Chapter 23 - Get Out

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**Jasons P.O.V**

"What the fuck" I said out loud as I saw a car parked in the street in front of the house.

"Who's car is that?" Travis asked me.

"No clue." I said then jumped out of the car.

"Hey want me to come in with you?" I heard Travis yell to me.

"Nah" I yelled back then ran to the front door.

Who the fuck is here?

I swung open the front door to reveal Mackenzie standing right there... with Chase? His eyes widened a bit. I felt anger building inside of me fast.

"What the fuck" I repeated.

"Jason" She went to talk, but then this piece of shit Chase started to talk.

"Jason? I thought it was Justi-" I punched him right in the face making him stop talking. He stumbled back and held his jaw. Why can't he just leave us alone? The hospital was one thing, but now he is in our house. And Mackenzie is fine with it?

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I yelled at him.

"I just wanted to see how things were here. Y-you know after the accident" he stuttered. He was scared and he should be. And I can tell he is lying to me. You can sense the fear.

"You have five seconds to get out of my house or you will be pulled out of here on a stretcher. Got it?" I demanded.

"Listen I don't want any probl-" I cut him off by grabbing him by his collar.

"Stop!" I heard Mackenzies voice. Her soft voice can't stop me now. I'm angry at her. So fucking angry. How dare she allow him in this house.

"Okay I'm going!" Chase yelled as I was dragging him to the front door. Once he was out, I slammed the door shut. I took a deep breath trying to control myself, but it wasn't working. I faced my wife who looked scared. Why scared? Is she hiding something?

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yelled at her. "I leave and you have him over? Are you fucking him?!" I yelled even louder at her. She looked terrified. Good. She should be.

**Mackenzies P.O.V**

"He stopped by because he said he wanted to talk. Nothing happened. I promise we didn't do anything. I wouldn't do that-" he cut me off.

"Liar" He said as he looked me in the eyes again. "You cheated or else you wouldn't look so scared" he accused me.

"I'm scared because of the way you're acting" I told him honestly. "I didn't cheat on you"

I saw him trying to control his fist and his breathing was really heavy. All the sudden he groaned loudly and punched the wall causing me to gasp and jump out of fear.

"It's not what it looks like I swear" I cried to him. He stared at me with no emotion.

"Get out of my face" he said to me. I started to shake my head quickly. "Now!" He yelled at me causing me to jump a little bit again.

"Jas-" he cut me off.

"I don't want to hear it" he kept his voice raised at me. "He was in our house!" He yelled louder. "And you" he stopped and began to laugh. Which scares the hell out of me. He looked me dead in the eyes with such an angry look. "You took the chance since you knew I would be gone a while-"


"Let me talk" he demanded. I just stared at him as tears rolled down my face. "If he was just stopping by, why let him in the house? He couldn't stand out on the porch? Or was he just leaving after you did things with him?-"

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now