Chapter 27 - As I Am

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"You sure your mom is good with that?" Jason asked me in a confused tone.

Currently, we are sitting on the couch just relaxing and talking about plans for New Years Eve. I'm leaning against the couch with my feet up on Jasons lap. Drew is sitting on the floor playing with his toy cars.

"I double checked with her and she sounds excited. Plus, I think she would do anything for a vacation again" I said with a laugh then he chuckled.

"That's true" He said back shaking his head. My mom said she will fly in tomorrow and watch Drew so we can go to Johnson's for New Years Eve and get drunk and party with our friends. She is going to stay with us for like five days.

I'm so glad she is able to visit now. I don't know why we didn't do this all along. I know Jason was nervous, but it's been good and safe. I'm so thankful.

So New Years Eve is tomorrow. Johnson and Lauren went to throw everyone a party. It's going to be so fun. We get to dress up cute as fuck, get drunk and have so much fun. Which is much needed.

Jason, Drew, and I got back home three days ago. Jason and I are good again. Things have been good. I hope it stays that way. When we got back to my moms on Christmas after driving around town, he wanted to talk to me while I was looking at all the ornaments on the tree.


"Wow I can't believe she still has this" I said to Jason as I looked at an ornament that I made when I was little.

"Can we talk real quick?" He asked me so I looked over at him and nodded.

"Want to go upstairs?" I asked him since my mom and Drew were right at the kitchen table coloring. He shook his head.

"I know I already apologized, but I know I should again. I'm sorry. I know I'm not easy to deal with. Some times I don't know why you love me. Or why you care. I know it hurts when I push you away. I've made plenty and plenty of mistakes. You are the only one who holds my heart. Besides Drew of course." He stopped to chuckle. I giggled a bit too. He held my face in his hands and continued, "You take me for who I am, no matter how terrible I could be. You were always there for me. For eight fucking years. You stayed right by my side. When everyone doubted me, you believed in me. You see the best in me. It amazes me how strong you are. And how you didn't run away. I just want us to be okay. I just want to hear you say you still aren't going anywhere. I'm grateful for you, Angel. Always."

**End Of Flashback**

Like I keep saying, it is so hard to stay mad at him. He has been trying so hard to make things right. How can I even stay mad?

He decided to start talking one on one with Lauren, she's a therapist. I was very surprised he came up with that idea. But I guess it's just easier because Lauren is like family. I'm proud of him. He has a lot of trauma he never really talked about or got over so this could be a good way for him to move on and better himself even more.

"I have an idea" I heard Jasons voice. I looked up at him to see he is muting the tv. Then he looked back over at me. "After I am fully done with my sessions with Lauren, how about we renew our vows?" He asked me with a little smile. I began to smile too.

"Really?" I asked. He really has been surprising me a lot. He nodded.

"I really thought about what you said the other day when you were saying that we should have made sure we were both in a good mental head space before we got married. You know even though we got married so young that wasn't something that was on our mind, but I have never felt like I was in a place where I could say I am over all trauma and issues from my past. Lauren could really help me and that way we can renew our vows and be in an even better marriage than we are now. I meant it when I said I am going to be a better man for you" he told me causing me to smile wider.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now