Chapter 46 - The Big Day

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"Let's not get too many" Jason joked causing me to laugh. We are at the florist and are picking out some flowers for tables setting that we will have set up in our backyard. Gigi and Hunter came with us so that Gigi can help me. Plus this is very last minute considering tomorrow is the big day.

"We aren't" I said back to Jason.

"This seems like a lot" He said back nodding. I laughed again.

"It's not." I said as he looked over at me and smiled.

"If you say so" he said then continued to look at all the flowers. "Are we almost done here?" He asked as he pouted. I laughed.

"Yes. Let's just pay for what we have. It should be enough" I said as I crossed my arms. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Thank god" he mumbled.

"You're an ass" I said as I playfully shoved him. He grabbed me by my waist and kissed me quickly.

"I'm kidding. It's just we have been here for an hour" he said and I shrugged.

"Oops?" He chuckled and kissed me once more.


"Why am I so nervous?" I asked Gigi as I groaned and she laughed. It's around ten at night now and we are sitting on my couch just talking and watching tv in our pajamas. She's sleeping here tonight. And Jason is sleeping at Travis and Cameron's tonight. My mom is here as well, but she went to bed about thirty minutes ago.

"It's just your family and the same person you have loved for the past eight and a half years" Gigi said then shook your head. "There's no reason to be nervous"

"I know" I said back and I shrugged. "It's just we really didn't do vows when we got married. We said a little something about how much we love each other and how we can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together, but that was in the car after wards when it was just us two. And plus, I'm Valentine's Day Jason said a lot so I can't imagine what else he can say to make me cry"
I joked and she laughed.

"He did say a lot. But he loves you that much. That man can write a book about you" she said causing me to smile more.

"I wrote a lot. I just hope it's perfect" I told her.

"Of course it will be. Don't stress it. Tomorrow will be perfect." She said and I nodded.

"Yeah" I said quietly. "Thank you for staying here."

"How could I not? Tomorrow is an important day  for you" We both smiled wide.

"Want to watch one more movie?" I asked and she nodded.

"Should we make more popcorn?" She asked me a question now causing me to laugh as I nod.


It's the next morning and I'm now sitting outside in the backyard while the flowers are being set up. I felt my phone buzz making me pick it up from my lap. Jason texted me.

Jason: hey Angel

Me: hey jase

Jason: how's everything going over there?

Me: it's going good so far
Me: everything is really close to being done

Jason: good
Jason: i missed you last night

Me: I missed you too babe

Jason: I can't wait to see you
Jason: can I see the dress
Jason: just a peak?

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now