Chapter 3 - I'm Never Leaving You

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**Flashback Four Years Ago**

"You know, I really hate when they go on missions. It's still scary to me" I told Gigi as I sat down on the couch and put the bowl of popcorn between us.

"Yeah me too. Whenever they go on missions, my overthinking gets the best of me. I always think the worst" she said back before taking some popcorn.

"Same" I said then groaned. "They need to at least let us know they are okay when they are on their way home" I added and she nodded agreeing.

"For smart criminals, they don't think sometimes" she joked causing us both to laugh. We both heard the front door open and you can already tell we both are relieved.

"Sup ladies" Hunter said as him and Jason walked into the room. Thank god they are okay.

**End Of Flashback**

"They should have been back a while ago" I said to Gigi as I was playing with my wedding ring. Yes, I still wear it.

"Maybe they stopped somewhere or it just ran a little longer than expected" Gigi said shrugging then sipped her wine. "I'm sure everything is-" she stopped talking as we heard the front door open. "See" she said with a smile. I relaxed a bit until I looked over to see it's Johnson and not Jason. He looks worried. I stood up quickly.

"It's Jason" he said quietly then sighed.

"What? What happened? Is he okay?" I asked as I felt myself getting stressed out and dizzy. "Where is he?" I asked loudly. He went to answer me then Travis walked in with the same look on his face as Johnson. "What happened?" I yelled since he wasn't answering.

"He got stabbed while we were at the mi-" I cut him off.

"No" I said shaking my head. I felt tears coming to my eyes as I thought about what if he's dead? I can't lose him.

"He was trying to fight a guy off and the guy pulled a knife on him and-"

"If you say he's dead-" Johnson cut me off.

"He's not. He's okay. We had to take him to our medic. He will be back home tonight. Soon" he told me and I let out my breath in relief.

"Oh thank god" I said loudly as I grabbed onto the wall. "How bad is it? Where did they stab him?"

"In his side, but thankfully he missed everything that could have made this worse. But he's okay, Mack" Johnson said.

"He just pulled up" I heard Travis say. I looked up quickly. I ran to my front door and saw Hunters car. I then saw Jason getting out of the back seat. He looks in pain. He has no shirt on so I can see the big bandage on his side. I quickly walked outside and his eyes traveled up to me. I ran to him and made sure to hug him on the opposite side of his wound.

"I'm so glad you're okay" I said quietly as I felt his arms wrap around me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I promise I'm good, baby" he said back quietly as he put his hand on my head softly. He called me baby. I haven't heard that in so long. "Why are you crying?" He asked softly so I pulled my head away to look at him.

"I thought the worst when Johnson showed up and not you" I told him and he sighed. He put his hand to my face and softly rubbed it with his thumb.

"I'm good. And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have send him first. We both were just worried that you were freaking out that we should have been home an hour ago and none of us had our phones" he explained to me. I nodded slowly. "I'm never leaving you and Drew" he told me quietly then kissed my forehead.

"Please don't. Ever" I said then leaned my head against him again. I felt his grip get tighter. "I love you" I told him.

"I love you so much more" I heard him say. I picked up my head and pulled away.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now