Chapter 33 - I Never Believed Until Now

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The ground became comfortable. Almost like I was in a bed. Although I think I might be somehow now. I'm laying on my back and I still hear the beeping sound. I was able to slowly open my eyes to see a white ceiling. I opened them a little more and lifted my head a bit.

I'm in a hospital.

How? What the hell? I looked around to see Jason sleeping on a chair next to me with his cheeks looking really red like he was crying.

What's happening? I looked at the other side of the room to see Gigi sleeping as well. Then Johnson on his phone.

"Hi" I was able to say making Johnson's head lift quickly.

"Mack" he said standing up quickly. "Are you okay? Does anything hurt at all?" He asked quickly.

"I'm okay. Just confused" I told him.

"Guys wake up" Johnson said loudly. Gigi jumped at his tone and looked at him confused. He nodded his head at me causing her to look over at me. Her eyes widened and she stood up too quickly.

"Hi oh my god" she said running to my bed side.

"Angel" I heard Jason's voice. I looked over to see him sitting up. I smiled.

"Hi babe" I said back.

"You feeling okay baby?" He asked in a very concerned tone as he grabbed my hand.

"Yeah I'm fine. What happened? Why am I here?" I asked them.

"Two nights ago, you-" I cut Jason off already.

"I been here for two days?" I asked him and he nodded. No way. I've been asleep for two days.

"Two nights ago, you stopped breathing in your sleep. No one knows what happened. You've been in a coma ever since" Jason told me. He looks like he hasn't been sleeping much and like he's been crying. "You scared me so much, babe." Be told me as he squeezed my hand.

"Were you able to hear us talking to you at all?"
Gigi asked me. I shook my head.

"Where is everyone else? I want to tell you all something" I said to them. I want to tell them how I was with Kade and what he said.

"They are right outside the door. I'll get them" Johnson said then quickly walked out.

"What is it babe?" Jason asked me. I smiled over at him.

"You'll see" I told him and he looked at me confused, but nodded. Already the door opened. I looked over to see Johnson come back with Travis, Hunter and Cameron.

"Thank god you're awake" Travis said to me.

"Hi guys" I said with a smile.

"You look happy for someone who's in the hospital" Cameron said with a chuckle. I laughed.

"Yeah well I'm about to tell you why" I said back.

"Well what is it?" Hunter asked.

"I was just with my dad and Kade" I told them and I heard Gigi gasp. They all kind of looked confused and shocked.

"Babe, what do you mean by that?" Jason asked me as he looked concerned again.

"I was able to talk to them. I got to actually say goodbye and have them tell me things" I told them.

"I believe you" Gigi said with a small smile.

"I actually don't believe in that stuff" I heard Cameron say. I looked over at him and laughed.

"Kade told me to tell you that you can throw the phone away" I told him and it looked like his heart dropped.

"W-what?" He stuttered over the word and looked like he saw a ghost.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now