Chapter 38 - Valentines Day

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I'm mad. The day has just started and I'm upset. And it's Valentine's Day on top of that.

I woke up without hearing my alarm which means something either glitched in my phone to turn it off in my sleep or Jason turned it off. I'm assuming he turned it off because when I woke up, might I add two hours after I usually do, he had already texted me saying he got Drew up and ready for school. He wanted me to relax.

Which is sweet and I appreciate getting to sleep in, but I woke up stressed thinking I was going to have Drew late to school. And Jason was no where to be found and that scared me at first too. And now Jason isn't home and isn't answer my texts or calls. I think he forgot todays Valentine's Day. He's usually on top of that, but he hasn't said anything. I went downstairs to look for him before and there wasn't a single flower or anything. I think he forgot.

I heard my phone ding and I started to get hope. I reached over and grabbed my phone off of the night stand. I've just been sitting in bed. He did text me. But nothing I wanted to hear.

Jason: hey babe i have to do some business things with Johnson today, I'll be home later on! i love youuuu

Me: okay I love you too

So he did forget. Wow. He never forgets these type of things. I went to put my phone down then I heard it ding again so I looked back down at it. It wasn't Jason, of course. It's Lauren.

Lauren: hey mackkkkk

Me: did Johnson forget Valentine's Day too bc of this business shit or is it just Jason ...

Lauren: Jason forgot??

Me: yup

Lauren: men smh. i was going to ask since we both are free and i have reservations at this restaurant, if you wanted to come with? I'm paying 😉

Me: I'd love too🥰
Me: what place is it so Ik what to wear

Lauren: it's very fancy so wear a dress if you want
Lauren: I can ft you , girl

Me: yeah please do

My phone started to ring and I quickly answered. She had a big smile on her face.

"You look excited for someone who isn't spending today with their husband" I joking with a laugh causing her to laugh.

"It's fine, I'll see him later. I'm just excited you and I get to dress up and do something." She told me and I smiled wider.

"I'm excited too. I'll show you what dress options I got. So how fancy we are talking?" I asked her as I got out of bed again.

"Oh it's very fancy. Hold on I have my dress hung up in the bathroom, I'll show you" She said then I saw her walking through her bedroom. "It's just this black dress. But I love it" She said as she flipped her camera. I saw a long black dress hung up.

"Yeah it's beautiful" I told her as she flipped her camera back to her. "I'll show you the few long dresses I have that would be good for Valentine's Day" I told her as I got excited. I placed my phone down as I started to grab some dresses. "Okay I have two black ones- well actually" I stopped for a second. "I wore this one on New Year's Eve so never mind this one" I said as I put it back. Then I grabbed this red long dress that I wore once a few years ago. "Oh wait" I said as I hung it up on the hook I have on the closet door. I grabbed my phone and showed Lauren.

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After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now