Chapter 6 - We're Going Home

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"This is nice" Jason said quietly in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. He put his head against mine and held my body close to his.

"It is" I agreed. "I missed this. I missed us" I told him. We are standing in the living room looking out the window at the lake. It's already our second day here which means we leave tomorrow afternoon.

"So did I" He said back then lifted his head to kiss my cheek. "What should we do today? Just relax?" He asked.

"Good question. I don't know." I said with a laugh. He chuckled then let go of me as his phone started to ring.

"It's Johnson" I heard him say. I turned around and saw he looks confused. "Maybe it's about Drew" he said quickly then answered saying, "Hey Johnson" "Yeah, I can talk" he stayed silent and just stared at the floor as he listened. "Give me one second" he said then looked up at me. "I have to talk to him about something important so I'm going to go in the basement" he told me then kissed my cheek.

"Everything okay?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Work stuff" he said before walking out of the room. Well I guess I'll text my mom.

Me: hi mom!

I put my phone down and grabbed the tv remote then sat on the couch. I'll just watch the until Jason comes back. The second I turned the tv on, my phone dinged. I grabbed it to see my mom texted me back.

Mom: hi honey, can I call you?

I didn't even answer her text, I just went straight to calling her.

"Hi sweetheart" My mom answered the phone. It's always so nice to hear her voice.

"Hi mom" I said back with a little smile. I do really miss her.

"I actually just got off the phone with your brother. He told me about yesterday" she started off.

"He was the last person I expected to run into to, but it was kind of nice. I missed him. I miss you." I said back. I heard her sigh.

"I really do miss you." She said quietly. "I wish I was able to hug you and Drew. I understand why you can't come visit, but we can come visit you. Or we can go anywhere else" she tried to convince me.

"Dylan told me you guys are going on vacation soon. He told me to come. I've been thinking about it" I told her. I've been thinking about it non stop. I just haven't told Jason yet.

"You should come. You, Drew, even Jason I miss" she said with a little laugh. "We already booked our flights"

"Where are you guys going?" I asked her.

"The Bahamas" she told me and my eyes widened.

"Seriously?" I asked her in shock.

"Yes, why do you sound so surprised?" She asked.

"When I tell you this, promise it says between us, Mom" I started to tell her.

"I promise"

"Mom I live in Nassau" I finally told her. I heard her gasp.

"So I can see you?" She asked in shock.

"Yes" I said as I started to smile wider.

"Oh thank god" I heard her say with excitement.

"You can finally meet your grandson" I told her.

"What's going on?" I heard Jason's voice. I looked up to see him walk in looking confused yet more pissed off than anything.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now