Chapter 22 - Perfect Timing

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I took a deep breath as I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and I smell a cinnamon scent. I sat up and saw candle lit on the night stand. I started to smile.

I light that candle every day in December every year. Jason must have did- wait... How did I remember that?

I remember doing it every year. I remember. I remember everything. Everything is just coming back to me. I remember legit every single thing now.

I woke up with all my memories. Oh my god.

I have to tell Jason.

I climbed out of bed and blew out the candle since I won't be up here. I looked around the room and realized I really do remember everything now. Because I remember buying everything here and decorating the room. I'm so happy.

I walked out of the room and I walked down the stairs. It's so quiet down here considering Drew is at school.

I walked right into the kitchen to see Jason.

"Morning" I said getting his attention. He looked back and smiled at me. He's making breakfast.

"Good morning, Angel" he said then I walked over to him and he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks for lighting the candle for me. You know how much I love doing that every year" I said and he instantly stopped what he was doing and looked back up at me. His eyes were wide. I couldn't help but to smile wide.

"You remember that?" He asked me in shock. I nodded.

"Everything came back to me this morning. It's like I woke up and I felt so normal again" I told him and he started to smile.

"Oh my god. This is amazing" he said loudly then grabbed me and hugged me tightly. "I'm so happy" he said in my ear as he squeezed me. "Oh my god Angel" he said as he grabbed my face in his hands. "You remember everything?" He asked again.

"Yes" I said nodding and giggling.


"Everything, baby. Everything" I said back and he started to laugh out of happiness.

"Oh my god" he let go of my face and held my body against his again. "This is the best day"

"It really is" I said back and held him back tightly. I pulled away a bit to look up at me. "I love you" I told him and his smile got even wider.

"I've been waiting so long to hear that again" He said causing me to giggle. "I love you so much" he said then pressed his lips against mine. Everything is okay again. Everything is more than okay. It feels so normal.

"I think we should invite everyone over for dinner tonight and tell them" I suggested and Jason nodded agreeing.

"That sounds like a good idea" he said back with a smile. "With Christmas being in four days, this is perfect timing" he said with a giggle.

"Perfect timing" I agreed nodding.

"You know what's also perfect?" He asked bringing his face close to mine again.

"What's that?" I asked him.

"We are home alone" he said then before I could say anything, he picked me up and put me on the counter getting me to giggle.

"It's been a long month and a half for you, huh?" I joked and he nodded as he laughed. We pressed his lips against mine passionately.

Today is a good day.


"Did I tell you how beautiful you look today?" I heard Jason whisper in my ear as I sat down next to him at our dining room table with the rest of the gang. I began to blush and looked over at him.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now