Chapter 35 - This Is Too Much

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"Is this my fault? I was just in our home town" I asked as I paced back and fourth.

"Will you stop pacing?" Johnson asked me in an annoyed tone.

"Is this my fault?" I asked again as I stopped and looked at each one of them before looked at Jason.

"No it's not. He said he found out through my phone number. Which I don't know how he found that" Jason told me.

"Well I feel like this is my fault. Maybe I pushed it going there too much" I said as I stared at my feet. I feel like shit. Even though he said it isn't my fault, I still feel like it is.

"It was your dads funeral. You had to go" I heard Travis say. I feel like I could cry. This is so overwhelming. We have no idea what is going to happen. I started to walk towards the back door. I need fresh air. I heard the sound of foot steps coming towards me, but I kept walking.

"Hey hey" I heard Jason's voice then felt him grab my arm. I stopped and looked back at him. When I looked into his eyes, I felt a few tears drop from mine. "Come on, babe. This isn't your fault" He said as he held my face in his hands. I let the tears fall. I can't hold them back anymore.

"I'm scared" I managed to say and he nodded.

"I know, baby girl" he said then let go of my face and held my body to his. I feel the safest in his arms.


"You and my mom need to get out of there. Leave town today. I don't feel right knowing you guys could be in danger" I told my uncle Nick over the phone. We are back on the phone and he is with my mom still. Gigi came and picked up Drew so she could take him and Mia for ice cream. It was her idea and thank god for her. I don't want Drew to listen to any of this or sense that there is an issue.

"And go where, Mack? There's no where for us to go and I could handle myself" He said back.

"I don't know. Just drive for an hour or two and go to a motel. And I know you can handle yourself. But gangs aren't to mess with. If they want to hurt you, they will. They know they can't get to Jason and they can't get to me so they could go after the family they know I have left in that town. I know they aren't after me, but they still could go after you because you're a detective who has killed a member and questioned multiple members before. Not to mention you're my uncle who I love and everyone knows how much Jason values me and will do whatever to keep my happy. I want you and my mother out of the town today, Uncle Nick. Please" I begged him.

"I-I don't know where we could go" He said sounding stressed.

"Can we come to you? That way I could be with you and Drew and maybe Nick could help because he's a detective" My mom suggested. I looked over at Jason who started to shake his head quickly.

"Not a chance. Andrea you could come, but Stokes. No" Jason said rudely.

"Jason" I scolded.

"No" Jason said as he looked me in the eyes.

"My mom is right. They both will be safe here and what if he could help you?" I asked Jason and he chuckled.

"Help me? When did I ever ask for help. I have the gang. I don't need anyones help" Jason said back.

"Jason please. Think about this-" he cut me off.

"I made my decision, Mackenzie" he said as he glared at me. He makes me so mad sometimes.

"Ralph already knows where we live which means who else knows now. My uncle isn't going to tell anyone. I trust him-" again he cut me off.

"Well I don't!" Jason raised his voice at me. "I trusted him once and never will I again. And you think that I'm going to welcome him into our home with open arms after everything?"

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now