Chapter 9 - Just A Little Longer

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**Mackenzies P.O.V**

It's now Tuesday morning already. The past two days went by so fast. Honestly, I'm not ready to go home. I want more time here. Our flight is this afternoon around five. It's only eight in the morning now. I just woke up and I wanted to go back to sleep, but now I have a lot on my mind.

How do I tell Jason I don't want to come home tonight? I know he is going to get mad and take it the wrong way. I just want a little longer here. Maybe he'll understand.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone from the night stand. I unlocked it and went right to my call log and pressed Jason's contact. I held the phone to my ear and sat up.

I got this. I'm just going to tell him right away.

"Hey Angel" I heard his voice. He sounds like he had just woke up not too long ago.

"Hi, babe. Can you talk right now? What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what's up? I'm just laying in bed watching tv. What's going on, babe?" He asked.

"Well you know how our flight is later on today?" I started off. Why am I nervous to just tell him straight up how I'm feeling? Probably because I know he's not going to like what I'm about to say.


"I think we should reschedule it" I quietly said.

"To a later time?" He asked confused.

"No. To a different day" I said and it was silent. "I'm just not ready to leave here quite yet. I want more time. I don't want to come home today" I told him honestly.

"I knew this would happen. I knew you wouldn't wanna come home" I heard the hurt in his voice and it pained me because it wasn't true.

"I do want to come home. Just not today-"

"You would risk everything so willingly?"

"I'm not risking anything, Jason. I haven't even left the house and I wasn't planning on it. If I do, I know how to disguise myself. I'm not stupid. I've thought this through" I told him.

"Yeah, of course you have" he said and scoffed.

"And what's that suppose to mean?" I asked getting more annoyed.

"You probably planned this since the first day. You saying last minute that you're staying and not coming home-" I cut him off.

"Only for a little longer, not for good. Gosh Jason are you even listening to me?" I asked and groaned in annoyance.

"You're not listening to me!" He raised his voice at me again. I heard him take a deep breath. "I just want you to come home where I know you guys are safe. So can you please get on that plane?" He begged calmly. Now I took a deep breath. I just stared out the window.

"I don't think I can" I quietly told him.

"Are you fucking serious? I should have never sent you there" he said annoyed all over again. "I should have known better"

"Or you can just stop saying that. You did it because you love me and this is what I deserve. If you changed your mind on that then we have more to talk about to keep this relationship going. You are not going to be in control of what I do. I will not screw anything up. I'm not stupid, Jase. I can handle staying here and being lowkey. Book a flight for Saturday and I'll see you then. Okay?" I ranted to him.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Saturday then" he mumbled then hung up on me. I groaned and laid back down. I wish he wasn't so angry about this. It makes me mad and confused. I'll literally stay in this house until Saturday. I don't care. I wouldn't do anything dumb to risk everything back home or risk Jason getting caught again.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now