Chapter 2 - Meet Me At Lacey Hotel

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**Flashback Five Years Ago**

"This house really is beautiful" Gigi said as she grabbed the last two shopping bags from my trunk. We just went shopping for the house after being here for a week now.

"Isn't it? I love it so much. I know we are going to be happy here" I told her as I shut the trunk.

"You sure you can carry that much? I don't think that when you're pregnant you should do too much of that" Gigi asked and I laughed.

"I'm okay. I promise. Come on let's go inside" I said with a smile and we started to walk towards the house.

**End of Flashback**

As I walked up the path to my front door, I made sure Drew was careful as he ran in front of me to the door.

"Mommy there's a paper here" He said as he got onto the porch.

"A paper?" I asked him as I followed him onto the porch.

"Yeah right there" He said as I pointed to the welcome mat in front of the door. I saw a folded paper half under the mat. I picked it up then unlocked the door for Drew to run in since he has been patiently waiting to go home and play with his new water guns in the back yard.

I opened up the paper and saw it is hand written. It says 'meet me at Lacey Motel on 72 at 8pm or else I will reveal to the world the location of Jason McCann. don't say a word to anyone or else he's dead. room number 36'

I gasped and my eyes widened. I looked around the street and didn't see any car or anything. I quickly walked inside and locked the door.

What the fuck do I do? If this is a real threat, we could be in serious danger. I probably should tell someone, but what if I do and Jason actually winds up dead.

I'm going to deal with this myself. Whether it's dumb or not, I don't care. For the past five years, the guys have trained me to fight and kill like them. Although I've never killed anyone and I never ever want to, if I have to tonight, I will. I know what I'm doing. I'm not a scared weak little girl from Canada anymore. I'll fight for the ones I love. I'm going to this motel.

I shoved the note into my front jeans pocket and grabbed my phone from my bag. I dialed Gigi's number quickly.

"Hey girl" she answered.

"Hey, you making dinner tonight?" I asked her as I walked over to the back door. I saw Drew spraying his new water gun at everything.

"Yeah, what's up? Want to come?" She asked me.

"I was actually wondering if Drew can come over and have dinner with you guys. If that's not too much" I told her as I leaned against the door front and kept my eyes on Drew.

"Of course. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything's fine. I just would like to go on a drive by myself and just think. And I don't want to bother Jason and have him think something is wrong. Plus Drew just got these two water guns and maybe little Mia would want to play with him" I explained to her and she laughed.

"That's completely fine. Bring him over whenever" she said then we said goodbye and I went to my text with Jason.

Me: hey Drew is having dinner at Hunters tonight. him and Mia are gonna have a little play date

I hit send then put my phone in my back pocket.

"Honey!" I said getting his attention. He stopped running and looked up at me. "You're going to have dinner at Aunt Gigi's tonight, does that sound fun?" I asked him and he nodded quickly.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now