Chapter 48 - Stressed And Worried

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Last week I went to the Justice Tour and it was absolutely amazing. Justin never disappoints. He looked and sounded GREAT!!!

Has anyone gone yet or has tickets to go? The experience was amazing!!!


"Send me, I'll go" I heard Johnson say to Jason.

It's the next morning which means Jason leaves later. They are in the living room while I watch Drew eat in the kitchen. I tried to eat, but I feel so sick to my stomach. I wish Jason wasn't going. Thankfully, Drew is going to school in thirty minutes so he won't see me upset when Jason leaves.

"Nah man. I got this" I heard Jason say back to him.

"You can't risk anything. You have a baby on the way-"

"I will be fine. Everyone needs to stop worrying. I may have been out of the game for a while, but I am still Jason McCann. You don't have to doubt me. I got this, bro. Believe that"

Jasons excuse is always 'I'm Jason McCann' and thinks that makes him invincible. Although he is good at what he does, he's probably going to places he has never been to. It scares me so much. These next two weeks are going to be stressful and full of worry. I'm so angry. I can't hide how scared I am. As hard as I'm trying.


"Sam's here" I heard Jason say as he stood by the window by the front door. I turned around to see him turn towards me.

"Please always text or call me. Please" I begged him as I walked over to him.

"Please don't stress yourself out" He told me as he grabbed my face into his hands.

"I'm scared" I honestly told him. He sighed.

"I'm sorry, Angel." He said then kissed my forehead. "I love you so damn much, baby. Never forget that. I love you so fucking much." He said in a low tone and I couldn't hold my tears back anymore.

"Please don't go" I begged him. He let go of my face and held my body against his. I closed my eyes and just held him so tight. I'm so nervous. I don't want anything to happen to him. "I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." I cried in his arms.

"Babe, you are not going to lose me. I promise you. I will be back for you. These two weeks will go by so fast. You hear me, baby?" He said as he pulled away and grabbed my face again. "You aren't going to lose me. Angel, I am going to be so safe. I always am. Do not think like that, okay? I'll be back to holding you in no time." He told me and I just nodded. He wiped my tears then pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was so passionate. "I love you babe" he told me as he pulled away.

"I love you too, Jase"

"Bye, Angel" he said quietly then turned for the door. I just leaned against the wall and watched him walk out our front door. I never doubt Jason and his ability to defend himself and do what he has to do, but I can't help but to feel scared right now. He isn't stupid and knows what he's doing, but damn this scares me a lot.

I just stayed leaning against the wall and took a deep breath. I just have to focus on Drew and trust that Jason will be okay.

I heard the front door open making me look over and stand up straight. I was disappointed when I didn't see Jason standing there. But instead it was his twin.

"I thought you left this morning" I said to him. He shut the door behind him.

"I decided to stay two more days. Once my brother told me everything, I decided not to get on the plane." He told me.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now