Chapter 10 - Excuse After Excuse

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"We should go to sleep" I said to my mom after I finished laughing. "Drew and I have to get up at like six and it's now..." I looked over at the clock to see it said '12:28' "Wow it's late"

"Yeah, honey. We should go to sleep now. Although I'd love to just stay up and spend more time with you. I missed you. I missed this" My mom said back to me. I nodded.

"I know, Mom. I missed this too. Are you and Dylan going to reschedule your trip to Nassau?" I asked. They aren't coming anymore because Dylan has something important to do for work.

"Hopefully, yes. Maybe next month or in two months. I'm not sure yet" she answered me. I nodded then yawned. "Make sure you set an alarm for about five-thirty so you have time to get everything together and get Drew awake and fed" she told me as she stood up. I nodded again and stood up too.

"I'll do that before I go to bed" She smiled then pulled me into a big hug.

"Wake me before you go so I can say goodbye" she said quietly as she squeezed my body then let go.

"I will. Goodnight"

"Goodnight, Mack" she said back then walked out of the living room and up the stairs. I grabbed my phone from my pocket to see if Jason texted me. He hasn't since seven. But I have multiple text from Gigi.

Gigi: we all had a drinking night tonight
Gigi: Jason was kinda quiet on and off. he also was talking to me about his anxiety he's been having
Gigi: anddd I took a pic of him to send to u :)

 he also was talking to me about his anxiety he's been having Gigi: anddd I took a pic of him to send to u :)Gigi:

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Me: we gotta do this once I get back

Gigi: he was like wtf r u doing and I told him it was going to u and he smiled a little

Me: I miss him. I'm excited to see him tmw
Me: I'm glad he's okay

Gigi: does he know that?

Me: that he's okay? ...

Gigi: no dumbass lol that u miss him and ur excited to see him Bc he's acting like ur never coming home

Me: i mean I told him I miss him but idk I don't think he believes me

I sent the last text then walked up the stairs and quietly through the hallway to my old room. I shut the door softly and just got into bed. I forgot how comfortable this bed is. Not like the one at home, but I always slept good here.

I looked back down at my phone to see Gigi texted me telling me to go to sleep. I laughed quietly to myself then put my phone down on the night stand. I need to get to sleep. I put my head down and shut my eyes. I guess I'm ready to go back home tomorrow.


"Wake up, Mackenzie" I heard my moms voice. "Come on wake up, hun" I slowly opened my eyes to see her looking down at me with a worried look.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now