Chapter 15 - Tell Me Everything

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**Mackenzies P.O.V**

"Awe" I said quietly as Jason showed me two pictures of us. He explained that the first one was from the first year we started dating and this second one is recently. I looked so young, so did he.

"When we first met, we didn't like each other" He told me then chuckled. I laughed and looked up at him. He's sitting in a chair next to my bed.

"Why?" I asked with a giggle.

"Well, we met at a party when you met up with Travis and he introduced us. I was in the worst mood because I had just got into a fight with someone and here comes this sassy girl who talked back to me like no girl has ever done" he said with a smile. I kept my smile on my face. "You did not care who I was. You weren't scared of me at all like everyone else was. That also pissed me off because I like to intimidate people" he told me and I laughed again.

"Fearless huh?" I joked and he nodded.

"Yes you were. And you still are." He said back.

"Before you continue, Johnson was in here earlier this morning and he told me about the gang and how you guys always kept me protected and how no one knows we live here besides my mom" I told Jason. "He told me not to be scared" I added and he nodded.

"There's no reason to be. We protect you and we always have. We're a family" Jason told me.
Now I nodded and just stared at him.

He is so good looking. Like very hot. How did I pull him? His smile, his laugh, everything about him seems so perfect. I saw a picture of him shirtless with a black ski mask on and all his tattoos are amazing. (Pic above) The picture is the background of my phone so thats how I saw it. He's just showing me pictures of us through the years.

"Tell me more about us" I said as I faced him a little more.

"What do you want to know first? There's so much. We been together for eight years" He told me and I smiled.

"I want to know everything. How we first started, when we got married, how you asked me to marry you, our wedding day, how in love we are, literally everything." I said and he chuckled.

"Well you were tutoring Travis that's how you met him so when you came over to the house to help him, I would see you and I was super interested in you. I was like 'wow she's drop dead gorgeous, isn't scared of me, and she's so sweet, how is that possible?'" He told me and I felt my cheeks get a little red. "So I continuously tried to get to know you, but I also didn't want you to see how interested I was in you, but you just thought I was trouble" he said and we both laugh. "Which I was so it's okay" he said as he shrugged and chuckled. "But then you started to give in and I kissed you and it scared the hell out of me because my feelings for you were so strong already and I never felt such a connection with anyone like I did with you. I was also scared to have anything do with love. Love scared me to death. Then I tried to distance myself and you did not like it because you caught feelings for me too. So you taught me how to face my emotions and deal with them and not push them away like I have done my whole life. We fell so in love so fast, no one knew what was happening. You taught me to be a better person and you taught me about real love. You made me a much better person. I just taught you how defend yourself and not let anyone push you around"

"I want to hear more" I said as my smile never left my face. I leaned my head against the back of the bed and just kept my stare on him still.

"We were dating for about a year before I got myself into some trouble and I had to flee the state. You decided yourself that you wanted to come with me and you didn't care about the consequences. So we ended up moving to Canada where we got married in court house right away. With my fake name of course. We thrived there. We were so happy as a new married couple. We lived there for two years before somethings went down and we lost one of our guys, did Johnson tell you that this morning?" He asked and stopped his story. I stopped smiling and nodded.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now