Chapter 14 - This Is A Nightmare

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There will be different point of views so make sure to pay attention to that!! Enjoy guys :)

**Jason's P.O.V**

I looked at the clock to see it's been a little over forty minutes since my phone call with Mackenzie. I already finished dinner and just need to wait for her. I walked over to the other side of the kitchen where my phone was plugged in and saw a million texts and calls from everyone.

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself. They are all telling me to call them. So I clicked Johnson's number and waited as it rang. I wonder what's going on.

"McCann where the hell have you been for the past thirty minutes?" Johnson yelled at me.

"Woah, relax. I was making dinner. What's going on?"

"It's about Mackenzie" he started to explain and my heart dropped. "She was in a bad car accident. She's at the hospital now. They couldn't get in touch with you, so they called me since my name is under the second emergency contact. We don't know any details, but we are all on our way there now" he explained and I felt sick to my stomach.

"W-what do I do with Drew? He's s-sleeping" I stuttered as I talked quietly trying to wrap my head about it. This has to be fake. I have to be dreaming.

"Lauren is on her way to your house now. She should be there any second" He told me. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. I'm speechless. Why is this happening? I hope to god she makes it through this. I hope it's not serious. "McCann, speak to me man" I heard him beg.

"I'll be right there" I said then hung up. As if on queue, I heard my front door open which I knew was Lauren. I need to go see my girl.


I quickly walked out of the elevator to see everyone already here. They all look so extremely upset. I looked over at Gigi to see her crying.

"What room is she in? Where is she?" I asked loudly and quickly.

"I'll show you, but wait before-" I cut Johnson off.

"No. I want to see her now" I yelled.

"And you will, but McCann" he stopped and sighed. "There's something you need to know before you go in there" He started to tell me. My heart dropped even more. I could throw up.

**Gigis P.O.V**

I watched from a far while Johnson starts to tell Jason whats going on with Mackenzie. I watched Jason start to shake his head quickly. From the look of his eyes, he's heartbroken. So am I. This is a nightmare.

"Please tell me you're lying, bro" Jason begged Johnson. Johnson shook his head and put his hand on Jason's shoulder. Jason looks like he's going to lose it. I can't blame him. I want to throw something, punch something. I have so many anger in me. How could this happen to Mackenzie?

**Jasons P.O.V**

She doesn't remember me. She doesn't remember anything or anyone. My heart fucking hurts. The doctor said it won't last forever, but that doesn't make it easier.

She doesn't know me, she doesn't know herself, she doesn't know her son. Nothing at all.

I'm sitting here trying to keep my cool as Gigi talks to her about their childhood. I'm just staring at the floor and my anxiety is so bad, my leg won't stop shaking. It's only me and Gigi in here with her. She has a broken leg, a little concussion, a bunch of bruises and cuts, and of course memory loss.

"Jason" I heard Gigi's voice. I looked up at her quickly. "We were talking to you" she told me.

"Oh. I-I'm sorry. I was deep in thought" I admitted quietly. She nodded. I looked over at Mackenzie to see her looking at me a little confused.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now