Chapter 53 - I Need Him

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A few hours have passed and I have not left my room. I've ignored anyone who has tries to come in here. I just have no words for anyone.

Drew is in here now though. I only let him in obviously. We have been sitting on my bed watching this cartoon for the last hour. He also has homework, but I told him we can watch some tv first. Only because I need time to just think. You would think a few hours was enough, but it's not right now.

I want Jason. I need him here. The thought of something bad happening to him is driving me crazy. All I want to know is if he's okay. This isn't right. My mind is everywhere. My head is pounding.

"Mommy" I heard Drew's little voice. I looked over at him with a forced smile.

"Yeah, baby?" I answered him quietly.

"You don't hear aunt Gigi at the door?" He asked me confused.

"I'm sorry, I spaced out." I said and he just gave me a small smile before facing the tv again. I got up and walked over to the door. I unlocked it then opened the door half way. "Hi" I said to her and she walked in squeezing between me and the door frame.

"You can lock it again, but I'm staying in here" she said and walked over to the bed after giving me a smile. I chuckled and locked the door again. "What are we watching?" She asked as she sat on the other side of Drew.

"I don't know. It is new" Drew answered her.

"Is it funny?" She asked as I sat on the bed back where I was before.

"Yeah" Drew answered her and he leaned his head onto me. I began to smile. The love for your child is such an amazing thing. He's my happiness.

"Tell Aunt Gigi what we were talking about before we put the show on." I said to him and he picked up his head and quickly looked over at Gigi. She smiled down at him.

"I said I want to have a baby sister." He told her. Her jaw dropped a little.

"You think it's a baby girl in there? I think it's a baby boy" Gigi said back to him.

"I want a sister, but if it is a baby boy that is good too." Drew said with a smile. I put my hand on his head.

"You're so cute, babes" I said then removed my hand. "We will find out in a month and a half. We can have a cute gender reveal in the back yard with the family" I told them both.

"That sounds great." Gigi said nodding.

"Did you have that for me?" Drew asked as he titled his head looking at me. Oh god. I looked over at Gigi who looked at me with her eyebrows raised. I know what we are both thinking. I can't exactly tell him. I looked back over at him.

"I did not. We were getting ready to move here so I- we found in the doctors room" I said to him. I can't exactly tell him that I found out in the hospital by myself, also I didn't ask for the gender, where my husband was playing mute fucking with all of us just to fool the law so we can run away to where we are now and it was one of the most stressful parts of my life. So I think what I said was just fine. I looked over at Gigi who nodded almost as if she knew what I was thinking. "Anyway what time is it?" I changed the subject as I reached for my phone.

"It is not home work time" I heard Drew say with a giggle. I put my phone down and looked over at him.

"Oh yes it is" I said as I grabbed him and he started to giggle. "I let you watch a lot of tv before homework. Now it's time to get it over with, silly" I told him and he smiled up at me.

"Fine. But only if Aunt Gigi helps me because she's a teacher" he said causing Gigi and I to laugh.

"I'll help while mommy sees what we are having for door because I'm hungry" Gigi said back and I playfully rolled my eyes.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now