Chapter 40 - Hello McCann

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"Jason I could take out the trash." I said with a laugh. He gave me a smile and kissed my cheek.

"Well hurry up because I want to just lay with you" he told me. I nodded as I smiled then turned around and walked out the room. I'll go out the front door. The garage might wake up Drew who is asleep on the couch. I opened the front door and shut it behind me as I walked out.

Thank god I don't have to worry about putting a jacket on. I walked over to the front of the garage and gasped as I saw someone standing there. Oh my god.

"How- what are you doing here? How did you find us?" I asked him.


"I really don't want you doing this" I heard Jason say from the bedroom.

"Babe I'll be okay. It's a coffee shop. What's the worst that will happen?" I ask as I finished washing my hands. I didn't hear a response back. "Jason we'll be in public and you guys will be close by if anything were to happen" I told him. He sighed and looked up at me.

"I know" he said quietly. I shut off the bathroom light and sat down next to him. I put my hand on his back.


We sat down and I watch him take off his jacket and lay it on the back of his chair. His phone has to be in there.

"So I never got your name" I said before sipping my hot coffee.

"Sam" he said sticking his hand out for me to shake it. I smiled and shook his head.

"Avery" I lied.


"Don't walk away now. I know you and your husband McCann took my phone yesterday. I can easily tell the police you guys were spotted here and they could track you down. Unless you want to make a deal" he suggested. I looked up at the parking lot and stared at the van. I'm scared now. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. He removed his grip and I turned around to face him again.

"Anyway, gang things, but since you obviously can't do those things for me and I know McCann isn't going to do these things for me, I'll take money" I sighed and nodded quickly.

"How much?" I ask slowly regretting all of the planning I've done to help the gang in the past two days.

"10,000 dollars" he told me.


"So Sam, if your gang is good with mine then why did they want information from your phone?" I asked. Sam sighed.

"Well because my gang got involved with a different gang since I fell for this girl Emma who I had no idea was part of that gang. So now everyone thinks I'm working with the gang and turning against all the others we were good with. Now no other gang trust us. I guess McCanns gang just wanted to know what we all are working on even though I'm not working with them. It's a very complicated story, but I think I summed it up pretty good for you" he explained.

**End Of Flashback**

**Jasons P.O.V**

What is taking her so long? Maybe I should go out there. I walked out of the kitchen asked as I heard the door bell. I shook my head and laughed. What is she doing? I opened the door and my smile dropped.

"Hello McCann" He said as he stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"Sam" I said with confusion in my voice. I looked outside and didn't see Mackenzie anywhere. My heart started beating faster. "What are you doing here?" I asked him. His eyes traveled to behind me and his eyebrows raised.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now