Chapter 55 - What Now?

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Two more longs days have passed.

Almost three considering it's now ten at night.

And no sign of Jason...

Today was the day he was suppose to be home. And he never walked through the front door. I sat on the stairs or the living room all day long. Up until thirty minutes ago when Johnson, Ryan, Travis and Lauren forced me to go to bed. They are sleeping over waiting for Jason as well and to make sure I'm okay.

I have just been laying here, staring at the ceiling. As all of my thoughts got so much worse.

What now? What do we do now? He never came home when he was suppose to. It's now been five days without hearing from him. Is he dead? Is he hurt? Is he in trouble? All these crazy thoughts running through my head of what could have happened.

I don't know how they expect me to sleep right now... Sure I'm tired, but how could I sleep with all of this in my head and with what is going on? I just can't. When Drew got home from school today, he thought he would come home to see his dad waiting for him. I came up with this lie that his "trip" got extended for another day. He was devastated. Am I going to have to say the same thing if Jason isn't home tomorrow?

I rolled over and grabbed my phone off of the night stand. Not a call or text from anyone. I went to put it back down, but it started to ring. I sat up hoping it was Jason, but it's an unknown number. I should answer it just in case. I pressed accept and held the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered. But it was silent. "Hello?" I repeated myself. I waited a few more seconds. I went to say hello again, but then they hung up. I quickly went into my messages into the group chat with Ryan and Travis that they made tonight.

Me: you guys

Ryan: what's up?

Travis: you okay?

Me: yeah I'm fine but an unknown number just called me and I answered but it was silent on the other end
Me: do you think it could have been Jason or something?

Ryan: idk Mack I feel like he would have said something and not stayed quiet

Travis: true plus that's usually what unknown numbers do

Me: I guess you guys are right nvm

I locked my phone and laid back against my pillows. I sighed. Call me crazy, but I feel like it could have been Jason. But then again... the guys are right. Jason would have said something. I just want to scream. I can't handle this. I wouldn't be able to handle if something is wrong with him or if something bad happened.

I grabbed my phone again and went back into the group chat.

Me: i can not sleep
Me: it's not happening I tried

Travis: lmao come down here , dress warm we are going outside

I got out of bed and placed my phone down then walked over to the closet. I'm already wearing sweatpants so I slid on one of Jason's sweatshirts. I put on the closest slides then walked out of my closet. I grabbed my phone, putting it in my pocket then walked out of my room. I made sure to be quiet through the hallways and made my way down the stairs. I heard the guys talking about something. I walked into the living room to see Johnson, Travis, and Ryan.

"We were thinking about going on the beach" Travis said as him and Ryan stood up. I smiled and nodded.

"That's a great idea" I said back. I'm so glad to have people who care about me. They act like big brothers and I'm so grateful.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now