Chapter 21 - You Remember?

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"Maybe I shouldn't be drinking" I said to Gigi then sighed as I placed my glass back on her kitchen counter. The kids went to sleep an hour ago right when we got here. I'm going to stay here tonight.

"I know" Gigi said as she sat down at the kitchen table. She sighed loudly. "Jason is for sure going to show up so we should stop drinking before we fight too much with him" she said then laughed quietly.

"You think he will?" I asked her. Obviously I wouldn't even know. She nodded.

"I know what he did was seven years ago, but still, it's not right." Gigi quietly said.

"Agreed" I said back as I walked away from my drink so I can go sit with her.

The second I sat down, I got this image in my head of this party. It was a high school party.


The house was already packed with people. I heard the music pumping from out here. I walked into the house and there was a lot of people. Then some drunk guy bumped into me. I rolled my eyes and shoved him away. I kept walking and saw my friends. They all looked at me shocked. I walked up to them and we all said hi.

"You look gorgeous!" Becca told me. I smiled. Before I could say anything, I heard someone say my name behind me. The girls eyes widened. I turned around to see Travis.

"Oh hey Travis" I said to him. He smiled and looked at my friends.

"So you showed up" he said. I laughed.

"Couldn't miss meeting your lovely friends can I?" I joked. He laughed.


"How do you even know Travis?" She asked me.

"I tutor him" I told her and she laughed.

"Do you have to go to his house?" She asked. I nodded and looked at her confused. "Mackenzie. He's in a gang. His house is dangerous-" I cut her off.

"Wait what? He's in a gang? Same gang as Hunter?" I asked her so confused. She nodded.


Becca and I walked outside to see guys breaking up the fight. Then I noticed one of the guys fighting was the guy that ran out the door at Travis' house. I saw Travis and this other kid holding him back. He was kind of attractive. Well not kinda, very. He pulled away from his friends and walked over to a car. He leaned against it looked down at his feet. He looked so pissed off. The other guys walked back inside. So there was only him, Travis, and 5 others. A few of them walked over to this guy. And Travis and someone else stood there talking to each other. Travis looked at me and Becca and motioned for us to come over to them.


"The kid fighting was Jason McCann. Don't go over to him if Travis does" she told me. I still looked at her confused. I don't remember who Jason McCann is. "He's one of the biggest criminals out there Mackenzie!" She yelled at me. Then the name rang a bell.

Jason McCann.


"No I want my money!" Jason yelled. He looked over at me, Travis, and Cameron. "Who's the chick?" Jason asked Travis and Cameron.

"Mackenzie" Travis answered and Jason nodded. He looked me up and down and I felt a little uncomfortable.

"Another one of your little toys huh Cameron" Jason said to Cameron. Some of them laughed. I crossed my arms.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now