Chapter 44 - Cars And Art

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"Art goes for a lot more than I thought" Gigi said to me quietly and I laughed.

"Oh yeah, it's wild how much a painting can cost" I said nodding. We are walking around the place admiring all the art.

"How are you feeling? Also you can't even see any baby bump" Gigi said and I nodded again.

"I know, but it's there a little bit. I'm feeling good though. I've been through this before so I feel like I know what to expect and somethings could be easier" I answered her.

"Have you talked to Cameron? I know Travis came to talk to you before we left" She asked me.

"No" I said shaking my head. "He's stubborn so it might be a little longer before we talk." I said then shrugged. "I don't know. He lied right to my face, then fought with me and yeah I know what I did was wrong, but I- I don't know. It's whatever"

"You were just trying to check on Ava. He will understand. You know Travis and everyone else will tell him that" she said back.

"Yeah I know. Have you met her?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No. I want to though"

"Everyone's going back to my house after, do you think we could convince Cameron to bring her? I doubt she will run when she's surrounded by all of us" I said. Maybe I'm in over my head.

"I don't know. It might be too soon for him. I mean it's been three months so maybe. I really don't know. But it won't hurt to ask him" she said and shrugged.

"I might piss him off if I ask" I said causing us both to ask.

"I'll have Lauren come with me when I ask." Gigi stated. "Let's not get our hopes up though. I'm sure he will say no. Who knows" she shrugged again and shook her head. "Let's go find everyone else"

"They are probably outside by the cars. I know Jason is for sure" I said with a laugh.

"I bet" she said and laughed too. We continued to walk and look around until we got outside. They are so many nice fancy ass cars here. "There they are" Gigi said so I looked over to see her pointing right at them. Jason looks so happy. It made me smile. We walked over to them and Jason started walking my way once he saw me.

"You look happy" I pointed out.

"Angel, I just got a car" he said and my eyes widened. I went to talk, but he continued. "A rolls Royce. That one" he said then pointed at a silver roll Royce with a body style I have never seen before.

"Oh my god. How much did you pay?" I asked as I looked back at him.

"I don't think you want to know" he said as he laughed.

"Oh no, babe" I said back with a laugh. His happiness is radiating onto me. "Tell me tell me"
I said as I grabbed his hands.

"Three hundred thirty five thousand" he told me and my eyes widened.

"Holy shit that's a lot" I said with a laugh. He nodded. "You're so happy" I said excitedly as I put both my hands on his face.

"I am. I feel great" he said back with a wide smile. I kissed him then moved my hands. "Are you happy?" He asked as he grabbed my hand.

"I am" I said nodding.

"Come on, come see the car" he said excitedly and squeezed my hand. I nodded again and followed him.

That's crazy we have a rolls Royce now. I mean, we have really expensive cars so I'm not too surprised. I only drive one car, my Range Rover, since the accident and I'm perfectly fine with it. Jason has three cars- actually now four cars. He has a G-Wagon, a Ferrari 458, Lamborghini Urus, and now the rolls Royce. And he wants more. Thank god we have a big driveway.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now