Chapter 4 - Not Normal

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**Flashback To Three Years Ago**

"I can not believe Gigi is pregnant. I'm so happy for her. This is amazing" I told Jason through the phone as I was cleaning up around the living room.

"I know. It is crazy" he said back then chuckled. "A little Hunter and Gigi running around in nine months" he added.

"Who would have thought? But they are perfect together. I remember being a sophomore in high school when they started to date and she didn't bring him around us much at all. He was such a mystery to us." I stopped to laugh a little. "But then they broke up for a while and then I met you and somehow brought them back together" I said and smiled remembering those times. We were so young.

"Yeah I remember that. He would bring her to the house and she wouldn't even look in my direction. She was so terrified of me. Now she loves to bother me" he said causing us both to laugh.

"She does" I agreed with him. I need to get fresh air. I've been cleaning and running around the house all day. I opened the back door and walked out onto the back deck, breathing in the fresh air.

**End Of Flashback**

"You want to know what I miss?" I asked Gigi as I handed her a water bottle.

"What?" She asked back as I sat down beside her on the chairs on the back deck. Our children are playing in the back yard.

"Fall weather" I said as I looked over at her. She slowly nodded. "It's beautiful here all the time and I do love it, but I miss when it would get a little cooler out and we would wear actual jackets and I used to love planning cute outfits" I told her and we both laughed at the last part.

"Honestly, I do too. I wish Mia could experience Halloween where it's slightly cold out and cloudy and leaves all over the place. Not Halloween on a tropical island. Like you said, I love it here, but there's things I wish were different. Like snow on Christmas too" she ranted and I nodded agreeing with her.

"Some days, I just wish things were normal and-"

"Well I'm sorry we aren't normal" I heard Jason's voice. I looked back quickly to see him standing in the door way with his arms crossed and he looked slightly bothered. He rolled his eyes then walked back inside.

"I'll be back" I told Gigi then quickly walked inside. "Babe" I called after Jason. He stopped and turned around.

"I thought you were happy here, Mack" He said in a low tone. He doesn't seem mad, just disappointed.

"I am. I promise, I am. There's just things back ho-" I stopped myself before I called it home. "Back in our hometown that I miss. It's just little things that obviously I can live without" I said trying to make sure he doesn't feel bad.

"You know we can always do a vacation in the winter to somewhere that has snow" He told me and I nodded.

"I know, Jase" I said back. I took a few steps until I reached him and I put hands on his neck. "I love you" I told him quietly.

"I love you too" he said back then grabbed my hands and slowly took them off of him. "I'll be back" he said then kissed my cheek. He let go of my hands and turned around then walking out the door to the garage. I feel like he's upset now. Maybe I'm over thinking, I don't know.

But sometimes he gets into moods where he thinks he ruined my life and gets moody for the rest of the day. I love him, I love our son, I love the gang, I love our home. I'm okay with living the way we are. Sure I miss my family and a few other things, but it's been five years since we moved here and I've adopted to it.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now