Chapter 8 - Am I Dreaming?

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**Mackenzie's P.O.V**

As I started to wake up, I felt myself laying on something really comfortable. Jason must have just brought me home. So I'm assuming everything is okay now. I opened my eyes as I laid onto my side and noticed that is not the color of my wall. I sat up quickly and I gasped as I realized where I was.

She didn't change a thing...

I'm in my childhood bedroom.

A smile quickly came onto my face. Am I dreaming? There's no way this is real. I looked around and noticed a little note on the night stand.

'Come downstairs when you wake up ~Mom'

"Oh my god" I said quietly to myself. I put the note back down and stood up from the bed. I looked around and couldn't stop smiling. I can't believe this. After all these years, she kept it the same. I can come back up and look later. I need to see my mom. I know Jason will not come back here, so the question is if he is here or not. And Drew must be here.

I quickly walked out of the bed room and into the hallway. Wow. The walls were repainted that's one thing I noticed. As I watched down the stairs, I smelled food and heard the tv playing.

"Oh my god" I mumbled to myself again as I looked around. I didn't see anyone anyone in the living room so I walked towards the kitchen. I saw my mom at the stove and Drew standing next to her. He looked over quickly.

"Mommy is awake!" He yelled then ran over to me.

"Hi baby" I said back with a wide smile. I missed him so much.

"Grandma is making pancakes" he told me as he smiled up at me.

"Oh great!" I said back then looked up at my mom who was already starting to cry happy tears as she smiled wide.

"Hi honey" she said as she quickly walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around me hugging me tightly.

"I missed you, Mom" I told her as I hugged her back just as tight.

"You want some pancakes?" She asked as she pulled away. She laughed a little.

"Sure. Thank you" I said back then leaned against the counter. We don't have much to catch up on since we talk a good amount already. "Is Jason here?" I asked her as she walked back over to the stove.

"No" she said as she shook her head. "He stayed in Nassau" she told me. I nodded.

"I figured. But I understand. It wouldn't be a good idea for him to come here" I said back. I looked down at my son as he leaned his head against my leg. "You okay, Drew?" I asked him. He quickly looked up at me.

"Yeah." He answered and gave me a smile. I couldn't help, but to smile back. He's my pride and joy. "Can I go watch tv?" He asked me.

"Of course you can" I answered him and he instantly ran out of the room. "So how did I get here?" I asked with a laugh causing my mom to laugh too.

"Hunter brought you. Him, Gigi, and their beautiful daughter are with Gigi's parents. Guess Hunter isn't a big criminal like Jason, huh?" She joked with me.

"No." I said back and laughed again. "You met Gigi's daughter?" I asked and she nodded.

"This morning really early. They stopped by. They wanted to check on you" she told me. I nodded and looked around the kitchen. It looks the same to me. "Drew is amazing. He's so sweet and polite. You guys did an amazing job raising him so far" She said causing me to smile wider.

"Thank you, Mom. We really do try our best" I told her. She went to talk, but her phone started to ring. She looked down at her phone that was sitting on the counter.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now