Chapter 47 - Tell Me

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thank you guys for being so patient :)

(Also I didn't proofread it like I usually do. so if something doesn't make sense, you can call me out on it lmao)

*Mackenizes P.O.V**

It's been almost an hour now. There's still no sign from Jason. Travis went back to his house and both Cameron and Jason weren't there anymore. Jason's car wasn't there either.

I'm still sitting in my bedroom with my mom and Gigi. The bedroom door started to open and I stood up quickly. Johnson poked his head in.

"He's here" he told me. I sighed in relief.

"Thank god" I heard my mom say.

"Is he okay?" I asked and he nodded.

"He wants to talk to you" He said then he glanced over at the hallway where now I'm assuming Jason is.

"But he can't see her yet" Gigi said to Johnson.

"This isn't a wedding, Gi" Johnson said back to her.

"I know, but still. He can see her when she gets downstairs. They can talk through the door" Gigi suggested.

"You know what" I said getting their attention. "I don't even care. Just let him come in. We will meet you guys down stairs" I told them. I just want to know why he's an hour late.

"You sure?" My mom asked. I nodded. Then they looked at each other and walked out. The door opened up wider and in came Jason. His eyes widened.

"Wow, Angel. You look so beautiful" he said as he shut the door behind him.

"What happened?" I immediately asked him. "Are you okay?" He sighed as he nodded.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm okay and I'm sorry for being so late. Can I tell you everything later? After we get all this over with?" He asked me.

"Get all this over with? Really?" I asked getting annoyed with him now. He shook his head.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant let's just continue on and later I will tell you everything. I promise" he said back.

"Can you at least tell me what it's about? Considering you were an hour late" I said as I crossed my arms.

"Later, babe." He said quickly.

"Is it bad?"

"You don't have to worry about that" he said back. I just stared into his eyes. It is bad. I can tell. "Everything's fine" he said with a chuckle. But I can tell something is off. I've known him for too long to just believe that.

"Okay" I said back nodding. If it was really bad, we wouldn't continue today and he would take care of it. So I guess it can wait. "Well are you ready?" I asked and he smiled.

"Of course I am" he said then held out his hand for me. I started to smile to as I grabbed it. He pulled me to him causing me to giggle. He kissed my cheek softly. "Let's go, Angel" he said and we walked towards the door. Right now I just need to focus on our vows. Later, he will tell me.


Everything went great. It was perfect. Now we are all just hanging out enjoying the day. We took about a million pictures. But it's been really fun.

Jason stepped into the house about ten minutes ago and never came back out. He said he had a phone call to make. Everyone is here so I don't know who he would be calling. But I didn't question it. I just let it be. I'm sure he will tell me later on. I hope.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now