Chapter 25 - I Just Need You

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It's Christmas Eve morning now.

I can't stop staring at this photo of Jason that I keep in my wallet.

I can't help but to think what if we are done for good this time? What if he doesn't come back?

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I can't help but to think what if we are done for good this time? What if he doesn't come back?

Travis texted me saying he had to tell me something, but after I answered he never texted me back. It's been an hour now. I have a feeling it's about Jason. It's eight in the morning. Drew and I landed here in my hometown at six.

My mom is cooking breakfast as Drew is sitting in the living room wrapped up in a blanket watching cartoons. He is so tired and so am I. I didn't sleep on the plane so I only got about two hours hours of sleep before the flight. Drew was on and off sleeping on the plane. I'm just sitting at the kitchen table. I already explained everything to my mom so I don't have to pretend to be happy around her.

"Has Travis called you yet?" She asked as she looked over at me. I shook my head. I slide the photo of Jason back into my wallet and shoved it into my purse. I need to stop. I opened my mouth to talk, but then my phone started to ring. I quickly grabbed it.

"It's Travis" I said quickly and answered it. "Hey"

"Hey Mack, can you talk now?" He asked me. He sounded relaxed and not worried like he did earlier.

"Yeah, did you get any information?" I asked him.

"Yeah actually. So I heard from Jason. I was the only person he answered" He started to tell me. My heart started to beat faster. I'm so nervous to hear what he is going to say next. "He called me about an hour ago and we were on the phone up until a few minutes ago. Yesterday morning he took one of our private jets to go to the New York house to clear his mind and be alone for a few days" he told me. I took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. At least I know now he is safe.

"Did he say he is coming back? Or anything about me?" I asked him. I heard him sigh. Oh no.

"He is going to come back. He was already talking about how much he misses Drew. We did talk about you, but it's stuff you guys are going to talk about. I don't feel right just repeating everything" he told me. I scoffed.

"How are we going to talk about it if he won't talk to me?" I asked getting annoyed. "Does he still think I cheated?"

"Mackenzie just give him time-" I cut him off.

"Give him time? I haven't talked to him in two days, Travis. I did nothing wrong" I said starting to feel myself getting worked up and wanting to cry again.

"I know you didn't. Just give him today okay? He promised me he would call you" He told me. I took another deep breath.

"Okay" I said back quietly. "Does he know I'm not home?"

"Yeah, I told him."

"Okay" I repeated. "Is he okay?" I asked.

"He will be. And you were right about him not taking his medicine. He said it's been two days since he took them" He told me and I groaned.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now