Chapter 31 - Surprise

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have a nice New Year's Eve guys :) stay safe!

Finally I'm back home. I missed dinner, but it's fine. I'm just glad to be back. I didn't tell Jason what time my flight was. I figured I would just surprise them. So Gigi came and got me from the airport.

"How was the flight?" Gigi asked me. We are on the way to my house.

"It was fine. A normal flight" I answered her as I shrugged.

"Jason's going to be so surprised. When were you suppose to come home?" She asked.

"In two days. I just couldn't wait anymore. I needed to come home" I told her.

"Well I'm glad you did. We all missed you. I missed you the most" She said with a smile. I laughed.

"I missed you too, Gi" I said back. "Have you seen Jason while I was gone?" I asked her.

"About twice. He brought Drew over and hung out with Hunter." She told me.

"That's good" I said back and stared out the window as we drove. Much different scenery from being somewhere with snow for a week then coming back to live in tropical weather. It's January and seventy-two degrees here. But I love it.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you" Gigi said as she put her car in park in my driveway. I looked over and shook my head.

"Stop. I didn't expect anyone to come with me. You have a lot to take of here. I can assure you it's fine. I promise" I told her and she nodded.

"How are you though? For real?" She asked me. I took a deep breath for answering.

"I'm okay. It was hard, but it's over now and I am okay" I said and she nodded again. She looked over at my house and then laughed.

"I guess he saw the headlights" She said so I looked over and saw Jason opened up the front door. He was probably so confused.

"Bye Gigi. Thank you" I said as I opened the car door.

"Bye girl." She said then I hoped out. I looked over at Jason and a smile came across his face.

"Surprise" I said to him as I walked over to him.

"Hi Angel" he said and took a few steps out the door.

"Hi babe" I said and put my bag down so I could hug him, but he quickly picked me up. I let out a laugh and wrapped my arms around his neck as he held the bottom of my thighs holding me up.

"I'm so happy to see you" he said then pressed his lips against mine. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home today?" He asked me.

"I wanted to surprise you. That look on your face was worth it." I told him and he smiled wider.

"I'm always happy when I see you" he said then kissed me again. "Drew fell asleep on the couch while we were watching a movie so he knocked out early" he told me.

"Well let's go put him to bed then go watch a movie or something in our bed" I suggested and he nodded.

"Yeah let's do it" he said with a smile then kissed me once more before putting me down. He grabbed my bag before I could. We walked into the house and I heard the tv playing quietly. I walked into the living room.

"I'll just pick him up so I don't wake him" I quietly told Jason. He just nodded and smiled as he watched me. He seems so happy that I'm home. I'm happy that I'm home. I walked over to Drew and took the blanket off of him. Then I careful picked him up.

As I did that, Jason walked over and turned the tv off and started to turn off the lights too. I walked as quietly and carefully as I could up the stairs. Drew's a heavy sleeper. Unlike me. I feel like everything wakes me up.

Jason followed me up the stairs and into Drew's room. I laid him down in his bed and brought the blanket over him. I smiled down at him. I never thought I could love two people this much. I leaned down and kissed the top of his head. Then faced Jason who is watching me with a smile on his face. He held his hand out for me. I walked over and grabbed his hand before we walked out of there.

"I missed you so much" Jason said as we walked into our bed room.

"I missed you more" I said as he put my bag down and I walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He smirked and put his hands on my waist.

"I hated sleeping without you" He said as he pulled closer.

"I know, babe" I said then leaned up and kissed him. "I'm so tired" I said then groaned. "I could go to sleep right now" I told him and he laughed.

"No" he whined. "We have to watch a movie" he said making me laugh.

"Fine I'll try to stay up. But I have a headache too. I need to shut my eyes soon" I told him and he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Fine" he said then laughed. He kissed me quickly then let go of me. "I don't remember if I locked the front door so I'm going to go check. And turn off all the lights while I'm down there" He told me so I nodded and pulled away.

"Can you get me water?" I asked him.

"Yeah I can" He said nodding. "Be right back" he said then walked out of the room. I kicked my shoes off and climbed into bed. I'm in sweats and a T-shirt and do not feel like changing. My headache is getting worse and I'm so tired. I laid my head on the pillow and shut my eyes while I wait for Jason to come back up.

**Jasons P.O.V**

"Okay now I'm ready for bed" I said as I walked into the bedroom, but when I looked up I noticed Mackenzie was knocked out. I laughed quietly to myself. She's so cute. She's probably so tired from the week she had. I don't blame her. That kind of stuff is emotional draining.

I climbed into bed next to her and took in how peaceful she looks. God I missed her so damn much this last week. I leaned down and kissed her cheek. But when I did, I noticed she was breathing weird. She wasn't breathing normally. What the fuck. I sat up quickly again.

"Angel?" I called for her a little loudly. She's a light sleeper so it shouldn't be hard to wake her. "Mackenzie" I said as I started to worry. I began to shake her. She still didn't wake. She's breathing, but it doesn't sound right. I quickly jumped out of bed and searched for my phone. I need to call for help. Somethings wrong.

"Where the hell is my phone?" I asked myself out loud. Then I remembered it's down stairs. "Dumbass" I ran out of the room and down the stairs as fast as I could without falling down them. I entered the living room and saw my phone sitting on the couch. I grabbed it and started to dial Johnson's number as I began to run to the stairs. I need to ask him what I should do.

"Hey McCann" he answered.

"Johnson somethings wrong" I said as I ran up the stairs again being careful not to trip.

"What is it?" He asked in a concerned tone. He probably heard the panic in my voice. I'm freaking out.

"It's Mackenzie. She is breathing really weird in her sleep and I can't wake her up" I told him. I ran into the bed room and over to the bed. "Babe wake up" I said louder and shook her again.

"Okay just relax-"

She's not breathing. I don't hear her breathing.

"Johnson she's not breathing" I yelled. "No no no no" I said quietly. What the fuck is happening?

"I'm calling the ambulance" I heard him say. I dropped my phone and grabbed her and shook her again.

"Come on baby girl. Come on wake up" I begged as I held her in my arms. I felt my chest getting tighter and my vision getting blurry. "Baby please come on. Wake up. You're okay. You're okay. Angel, come on" I said and I put my hand on her cheek.

Don't do this to me.

After The Run Away: Jason McCann: 3rd book to Dont Fall For The CriminalWhere stories live. Discover now