Chapter 3

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Hayley's POV

We all sat down at our table. Mary nudged me to look at her. "What happened." "Their looking at you. Said Mary." She pointed to the potter and his friends. I waved hi to them. "What are you doing. Said Nora." "Being nice." They both gasped. "You nice. Said Mary." We looked at each other and started to laugh. "Alright everyone listen up here's a few things before I get started. Their will be no quidditch this year. Said Dumble." I stood up and they all looked at me. "That's bullshit." "Ms. Lorenzo you mouth. Said Minnie." "Minnie their canceling quidditch how can he it's bullshit I'm leaving." I walked out the Great hall as kids cheer. I didn't notice other people behind me. "Hayley. Said ??." I turned around.

James POV

After Hayley left the great Hall we all followed her along with her friends. "Hayley. Said Mary." She turned around and looked at us. "What. Said Hayley." "Don't get snappy on us. Said Nora." "Yeah sorry what happened. Said Hayley." "What was that in their. Said Mary." "The cancelled quidditch for nothing. Said Hayley." "For the Triwizard Tournament. Said Lily." They looked at us. "For that God he can be stupid sometime. Said Hayley." She started to run her hands through her hair. "We know Hayley but you can't do that especially to Dumbledore. Said Nora." "Why not he cancelled quidditch for that stupid tournament now I can't play anymore. Said Hayley." "You can Hayley just next year. Said Mary." "Yeah next year god why couldn't they do it somewhere else. Said Hayley." We started to back up so they could talk more in private but we could still here them. "Hayley what's this really about you don't get upset over quidditch like this. Said Nora." They all say on the floor. "I promised my dad I'll make him proud but how can I do that if I can't do the one thing I love. Said Hayley." He voice broke. "Star he's gonna be proud of you either way no matter what. Said Mary." "How do you know that. Said Hayley." "Ask your mom Hayley she would even agree and have you not met him he literally told you he was proud of you at everything you did like when you got an E in Hadgrid class and you kept telling him your sorry and he said he didn't care and that he was proud either way. Said Nora." She had tears in her eyes. "Liz it's will be alright. Said Nora." "Why did he have to go on that mission see if he didn't go he would be alive and teaching this year. He knew the risk on going on that mission but he went either way. Said Hayley." She had more tears coming down her face then she got up and wiped her face. So did then others. "Go have dinner I'm gonna go on a walk. Said Hayley." "No we'll go with you. Said Mary." "No I it's fine go have dinner I could tell Nora is hungry. Said Hayley." "Are you sure Star. Said Nora." "Yeah I'm sure go have dinner see you back at our dorm. Said Hayley." "Don't be late ok and be careful. Said Mary." They hug. "Alright i will now go eat. Said Hayley." Hayley walked off so did the other girls so I followed Hayley she went into the forest. We followed her closely then she stopped at kneeled down. "Hey their i missed you. Said Hayley." We were all confused at who she was talking to. Then we looked it was a baby hippogriff. "Hey Tim what did we talk about you doing that. Said Hayley." She sat down next to it. "Tim do you miss him to. Said Hayley." She was just ranting to a baby hippogriff. "Me to Tim me to now it's getting late for you it's time for bed let's get you back to your mom before she gets mad. Said Hayley." She walked and laid the hippogriff down and walked off we all followed her then she went to the astronomy tower and sat at the edge we all watch closely. She was just looking at the star's and then laid down to watch them so I walked over and sat next to her. "Hey." She looked up at me.  "Hey. Said Hayley." "So what are you doing out here so late." "Just looking at the star's you. Said Hayley." "Came to check up on you after what happened in the great hall." "Oh yeah that. Said Hayley." She sighed "Hayley are you ok." "I'm fine. Said Hayley." She laid back down. "The floors dirty yknow." "So is professor Black but I don't say anything. Said Hayley." I laughed because he was in the back. I stop laughing and looked at her. "Hayley have you eaten dinner." She sighed and sat up. "No I haven't I'm just gonna go to bed. Said Hayley." We both got up. "No come with me your gonna eat." "No I'm good. Said Hayley." "No exception you need to eat." "No I'm just gonna head to bed. Said Hayley." "We could eat cake." "You got yourself a deal. Said Hayley." I laughed and we started to walked to the kitchen. We walked in and she sat down. "Which kind do you like." "I like chocolate cake. Said Hayley." "Really me too." I grabbed it and brought it for us. "Well here's to the first day. Said Hayley." We started to eat the cake.

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