Chapter 8

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Hayley's POV

I skipped all of my classes yesterday. Today we are having an party for what we don't know the twins wanted to throw one. The first task ain't for a couple more weeks so I'm glad it ain't. I'm already taking some shots because why not you only live once. Then someone came behind me. "Alright enough go walk it off Star. Said Nora." "K see you later." I walked out of the common room and just roamed the halls. When I saw the potters and his friends and turned around and just walked hoping they didn't see me. "Hayley. Said James." I kept walking ignoring him. "Hayley stop right their. Said James." I sighed and stopped and turned towards them. I was in sweatpants and my quidditch sweater. "Yes Bambi." I just call him that for him he looks like a Bambi to me. "Did you just call me Bambi. Said James." "Yeah you kinda look like him yknow your eyes look like his to and then he dies at the end." I probably shouldn't have said that they just looked at me. "Nevermind that we're you drinking because you smell like it. Said Lily." "Nooo their just throwing a party." "Then why do you smell like fire whiskey. Said Sirius." I didn't say anything. "Did you drink some. Said James." "Never... Yeah maybe a couple shots Nora cut me off." They shook their heads. "Well I'm off." "Not so fast Hayley. Said James." "What now." "We're you dressed like that at the party. Said Sirius." He pointed to my outfit. "Really Sirius. Said Marlene." "Well no I had a dress on the I changed into this it's a lot more comfortable." "Good choice. Said James." "Thanks I'm leaving to bed." I walked off leaving them their and went straight to sleep.


I woke up in the late afternoon missed all of my classes again. I got dressed in some sweatpants and a sport bra i just threw my quidditch hoodie over it. I went down and started to walk in the halls when I bumped into Harry and James. "Hayley are you just waking up. Said Harry." "Yeah." "It's 3 in the afternoon Hayley. Said James" "your point is." The someone tackled me into a hug. "God your finally up. Said Mary." "Are you just wearing your sports bra. Said Mary." I nodded she rolled her eyes. "Well let's go Cormac wants to ask you out. Said Mary." "No thanks he to cocky and i don't like him he's also clingy and annoying." "Again Liz. Said Mary." "Yes again I don't like him he needs to take the hint." "Wait if your name is Hayley why do they call you Liz. Said James." "My middle name is Elizabeth so Liz or Lizzie." They nodded their heads. "So what do you say for Cormac. Said Mary." "That he can suck a dick because I say no." "Fine but I'll set you up with someone watch. Said Mary." "Yeah I'll date someone when you date Nora." Her face went red and I started to laugh. "Hayley Elizabeth Lorenzo you better run. Said Mary." I ran off quickly before she could grab me. As I was running I ran into somebody and we fall to the ground I was on top of them. I looked up and saw Mattheo Riddle. I quickly got off him and helped him up. "You alright." "Yeah I'm fine who are you by the way. Said Mattheo." "That filthy mud blood I was telling you about. Said Draco." "That's was a warning Draco don't think I won't do it." "Do what. Said Mattheo." "Cut his dick off." I just smiled at him. "What's your name. Said Mattheo." "Hayley, Hayley Lorenzo." Then I saw Mary. "Well nice meeting you gotta go." I ran off with her chasing me still. "Mary it was joke." I was laughing she kept chasing me.

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