Chapter 39

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Hayley's POV

I woke up the next morning on the couch. "Morning dear. Said Keelin." "Morning where Freya." "Kitchen. Said Keelin." I got up and walked to the kitchen. I ate some food and sat down. "Morning luv. Said Freya." "Morning." I zoned out to notice she got up. I zoned back in and decided to walk around haven't been here in a while. I saw piano and decided to play it.

Freya's POV

I got up and was gonna go back to the kitchen when I heard the doorbell. So I went and answered it. "Morning Freya. Said Jen." "Morning." "Is she up. Said James." "Yeah come in." We walked to the kitchen where I left her. "Where is she. Said Jen." "Was right here." Before anyone could say anything we heard the piano play.

"Who was that. Said Lily." "Hayley." "Haven't heard her sing or play in a while. Saif Jen." "Not since Klaus death she took it hard Jen." "I know. Said Jen." "You think she's gonna play another one." "Probably. Said Jen." We stood infront of the door watching her.

We all whispered so she didn't hear us. "God I remember this song." "Me too remember when she played it. Said Jen." "Yeah." "Huh. Said Sirius." "She was obsessed with Barney and when we got rid of them she sang a song with Klaus." I smiled at the memory. "Which one. Said Hayley." She started to look for a song to sing. "Got one. Said Hayley." She placed it down and began.

"God I remember this song. Said Hayley." She got up from her seat. "Now let's find mine and dad's song. Said Hayley." I had it out away so I told them to hide. I acted like I just walked in. "Hey I heard you singing." "Yeah but have you seen the song me and dad wrote. Said Hayley." "Yeah here you go." I grabbed it and gave it to her.

I smiled at her when she finished. I saw from the conner of my eye they were watching. "Yknow dad made this about mom I helped him. Said Hayley." "Did he now." "Yeah we were gonna sing it to her but then he got called in he told me he was gonna play the piano and I was gonna sing it. Said Hayley." "Well it's good to hear you singing again. Let's hear some more." She smiled at me.

I smiled as she sang. I laughed because she once told Klaus if she ever went into a church it will burn. She finished playing and I looked at her proud. "Remember when you told your dad if you ever step foot in church it will burn." She giggled. "Yeah I do he was laughing and agreeing with me to so did uncle Kol uncle Lijah didn't like that and it was funny. Said Hayley." "I know." I smiled at her proudly. "God I missed hearing you sing." "And i missed you. Said Hayley." She smiled at me. "Another one. Said Hayley." I smiled at her

"Your voice my goodness." She smiled at me. "Remember when Uncle Kol tried. Said Hayley." "Did I ever forget it no I don't it was funny." "Alright I made a song when I was mad at Hardin for what he did wanna hear it. Said Hayley." "Sing it for me luv." She smiled at me. "Sorry for my language. Said Hayley." I looked at her confused but she always cussing. So i was more confused.

Of course she would have cussed in her songs. I smiled at her then she stared at me. "So how was it. Said Hayley." "I love it and you tell him." She smiled at me. "Yeah I cussed I know dad wasn't hear to take them out so left them in. Said Hayley." I shook my head laughing. "Play another one luv I love hearing you sing I could listen all day." She smiled at me

"Dad made this song. Said Hayley." "He did." "Yeah for mom and all by himself to. Said Hayley." Then someone walked in. "Hayley was that you singing. Said Ethan." She turned around. "Ethan. Said Hayley." She got up and ran to him. "I missed you. Said Hayley." "You saw me 2 days ago. Said Ethan." "I know but who wouldn't miss you your my best friend. Said Hayley." "Yeah I know and your mine but was that you singing. Said Ethan." "Yeah it was. Said Hayley." "Well you were amazing. Said Ethan." "Thank also come sing I need a second person for this song. Said Hayley." I got up so they could sit down.

They both stared at each other as they sang. When they finished they just stared at each other. "I didn't know you could sing. Said Hayley." "Me either. Said Ethan." They just stared at each other. I walked out not trying to ruin the moment between them. I saw them all waiting for me they walked and sat on the couch. "Who was he. Said James." "Her friend Ethan and he's staying with Davina till school starts." They nodded. "Where are they. Said Jen." "I left them in the room." The boys stared at me.

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