Chapter 31

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Hayley's POV

I walked into the kitchen and saw them all sitting down. "Are you gonna eat dear. Said Molly." "No thank you Molly I already ate." "Where have you been Hayley. Said Mom." "I went for a drive mom." "Hayley it's been 3 hours since you left anything could've happened. Said Mom." "Me and dad went to eat then he left so I wasn't alone mom." I was to tired to argue with her. So I started to walk upstairs. "Don't walk away from me Hayley I'm talking to you. Said Mom." "I'm not I'm going to bed." "Elizabeth I am talking to you. Said Mom." I stopped and turned towards her. "What mom." "Why did you leave and why did you not tell me anything. Said Mom." I was already pissed and tired. "Do you really want to know." I yelled at her. "Yes I do Hayley. Yelled Mom." "I left because I didn't want to hear you yell at me and I didn't tell you anything because you would've made me come home." "Yeah i would've made you come home what you did was dangerous. Yelled Mom." "But it made me happy and do you ever think I didn't want to come home it was because I was finally happy their I didn't have a past haunting over me replaying over and over in my head." "You should've told me still. Said Mom." "No I shouldn't have because you would've made me come back so I decided not to and I'm glad I did because I found many friends yes I may have lost a friend to but I was happy." "Then why didn't you want to come back then. Said Mom." "Because everything here at Hogwarts reminds me of that night mom then the last task to I didn't want nothing to do here because everything that has happened has been replaying inside of my head since I came back I stayed with Uncle Derek because it was a fresh start I didn't have nothing their to remind me of here." She looked at me shocked. I walked to my room and slammed the door. I threw my jacket on the bed along with my keys. I got into bed and laid down.

Jennifer's POV

Hayley went to her room and slammed the door. We were all shocked at what she said. She exploded at me. I sat on the stairs running my hand through my hair. "Was I to hard on her." "No Jen you were just trying to figure out why don't blame yourself. Said Lily." "I'll go talk to her. Said James." "Yeah ok." He walked upstairs.

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