Chapter 30

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Hayley's POV

The girls pushed the boys out and my mom came and sat on the bed. "So who is he. Said Mom." "Well remember that boy from my memories." "Yeah. Said Marlene." "Well their his clothes." They all squealed. "Go on. Said Lily." "Well he gave me a letter I didn't find it till I came to my room earlier." "What he say. Said Mom." "Well he said he loved me so I went to our spot and saw him waiting for me." "And. Said Marlene." "Well I ran to him and we fell in the water then our other friend's came and we all got wet." "What's his name. Said Mom." "Hardin." "Oh he sounds like a bad boy. Said Marlene." "He kinda is but at the same time he ain't well for me I ain't." "Awe. Said Lily." "Yknow your dad was like that to he was always mean to others but to me he was always sweet and nice. Said Mom." "I know he told me stories about you guys and his family." "Lets head down now before the boys come back in. Said Marlene." We got up I opened the door and saw the boys right their. "So you got a boyfriend. Said Dad." "What no." I quickly walked downstairs with them all following. "Hayley. Said Ginny." "Yeah what's up." "Do you have anymore memories we could see. Said Ginny." "I think so Mione can you." She nodded and we all sat down.

"Hayley how'd you get those memories. Said Mom." "Aunt Freya she gave them to me." "Who were they. Said Sirius." "That was my husband and his family. Said Mom." "I saw them when I was their with Uncle Derek their doing good mom you should talk to them aunt Rebekah misses you." "I will don't worry. Said Mom." "Next one Mione."

(Stiles=Hayley Scott=Nik)

"Hayley did your uncles know about any of those events. Said Mom." "No they didn't." "Did you hit him with a bad. Said Sirius." "Yeah I did next one."

"What happened between you two. Said Ginny." "He used me as a dare." "He what. Said Dad." "If let me continue you would know at first he thought he was gonna then he acutally fell in love with me I was mad at first then I forgave him and Nik may have hit him after." "How'd you uncles react. Said Mom." "They never found out." "Why didn't you tell them Hayley. Said Mom." "Because they didn't need to know. Mione next one."

"Another thing you his from me let me guess you told them not to. Said Mom." "Yeah I did." "Why. Said Dad." "Because you guys would've made me come home." "Yeah you got kidnapped strangled and your scream can kill some people. Said Mom." "It's called a banshee and I had the pack and uncle Derek with me mom so I'm fine." "Hermione just go to the next one. Said Mom."

"Hayley. Said Mom." "Yes." "Again something else you kept from me. Said Mom." "Yes mom again." "You were stabbed. Said Harry." "Yeah I was I got the scar on my stomach." "That's nothing to be proud of Hayley. Said Dad." "I'm I dead no so yes it is." My parents shook their heads while I rolled my eyes.

They all looked at me. "Hayley Elizabeth Lorenzo Potter you are only 15 years old are you serious. Said Mom." "No I'm Hayley he's Sirius." They all held their laughs in. "Hayley in serious. Said Mom." "That's fraud now mom you should no better." "Elizabeth last warning. Said Mom." I got up and grabbed my jacket and car keys. "See you guys later." I walked out the door and left. Didn't know where just did I was driving till I came to a restaurant. I stopped and walked inside. I got seated and looked at menu. Then someone sat infront of me. "Hayley. Said Dad." "Hey dad." I didn't bother to look up at him I just kept looking at the menu. "If you came to yell at me then you can go." "I'm not so what are we eating. Said Dad." I looked at him and smiled. "Well I was thinking some burgers and then end it off with some chocolate cake." "Sound goods. Said Dad." We ordered and waited for our food. "Hayley why did you just leave the house. Said Dad." "Because I didn't want mom to yell at me for not telling her." "Why didn't you. Said Dad." "Because I was having fun their and if she knew.. If she knew she would've brought me home." "Because Hayley what you did was dangerous. Said Dad." "Yeah but it made me forget about everything that happened last year and it felt good to forget about just everything." I sighed then the food came. "Thank you." We started to eat. "She mad." "Yeah. Said Dad." I sighed and just ate my food. We made jokes while we were eating. We finished our food and it was time to go. "You coming. Said Dad." "Not yet I'll meet you back at the house." He nodded and gave me a kiss on the head. He left and I went to my car and sat in it.


I finally went back to the house after an hour or two. I walked in took my jacket off was about to go to my room when I got called to the kitchen.

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