Chapter 2

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James POV

The girls walked off to the train so it was just us. "Well I best be off. Said Jen." She started to walked off. Before she walked off I noticed a wedding ring on her finger. Sirius nudged me to go after her. "What." "Go ask her. Said Sirius." "Ask her what." "God James your stupid sometime ask her if Hayley is your child. Said Lily." I put my hand on my chest. "You wounded me Lily." They all shook their head then I ran after Jennifer. "Jen wait up." She stopped and turned around. "Yes James. Said Jen." I looked at her finger. "Are you married." "Yeah I am. Said Jen" "To who." "To my late husband. Said Jen." "Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know." "It's alright is that what you wanted to know. Said Jen." "No is Hayley my daughter." She didn't say anything she stayed quiet. "Is she." She looked at her wrist. "I have to go James. Said Jen." "Jen is she mine." Their was nobody at the train station anymore besides us. "Just stop James. Said Jen." "No is she mine or not." She sighed. "I'm late for work James. Said Jen." "No your not leaving till you tell me. Is she mine." "I gotta go. Said Jen." "Just tell me Jennifer is she mine or not." I was getting mad she wasn't telling me. "Well is she. Said Sirius." "Jennifer just tell me is she or is she not." "Yes James she is. Yelled Jen." "Why didn't you tell me." "Because I had my reason James. Said Jen." "She's still my daughter Jen you should've told me." "Well I didn't alright and it was my decision wether to tell you or not. Said Jen." "She's my daughter to Jennifer." "No she's not I raised her so she's my daughter. Said Jen." "Because you didn't tell me." By now we both we're yelling at each other. "Because I didn't need to. Said Jen." "Well you should've." "Well I didn't." "Just answer my question we're you ever gonna tell me or her and what did you tell her when she asked did she even ask." "No I wasn't gonna tell you all I told her was that her real dad died and my husband raised her so she had a dad already James that's why I didn't tell you. Said Jen." "Someone else raised my daughter." "Yeah someone else did James and she's not your daughter. Said Jen." "Biologically yes she I could've been their for her but you didn't tell me why didn't you tell me Jennifer." "Because James I didn't she doesn't know you are her dad and I would like it to stay that way so don't tell her. Said Jen." "Don't tell her are you serious Jennifer I have a right to get to know her." "Well I said no James. Said Jen." "Alright why don't you both calm down. Said Lily." "Lily if you could please don't I'm not trying to be rude but this is between us. Said Jen." "Alright. Said Lily." "Jen." "No James my answer is no. Said Jen." "So your not gonna tell her what about when she asks about me." "She won't she doesn't even remember you I told her when she was 3 and my husband been with her till 3 months ago. Said Jen." "Jennifer." "I'm done I'm going to work now and don't go near Hayley unless it's for school work bye. Said Jen." She left and I was frustrated so I hit a wall. "James calm down. Said Lily." I ran my hand through my hair. "Why don't you go to court. Said Sirius." "The judge will go with Jennifer because he hasn't been with Hayley for 14 years. Said Remus." I let out a frustrated sound. "We have to go the dinner is gonna start soon. Said Marlene." "Yeah let's go." We all left and apparted to our office. We all shared the same office except Remus is was the DADA teacher.

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