Chapter 11

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James POV

I woke up and remembered everything from last night. I looked down and saw Hayley still sleeping and Lily reading a book. "Morning luv." "Morning. Said Lily." "How long have you been up." "Not long I'm gonna go check up on Harry. Said Lily." "Alright I'll be here till she wakes up." She smiled at me then left. I looked at Hayley sleeping then started to play with her hair. She had curl hair which it let me run my hands through her hair. It wasn't tangled so I'm glad she has my hair it's never tangled just always messy.

Hayley's POV

I woke up and felt someone playing with my hair. I looked and saw James he was playing with my hair. "Morning Hayley. Said James." "How long have I been asleep." "Well it's currently 2 in the afternoon so a while. Said James." I sighed. "Was their any classes today." "No their wasn't. Said James." I ran my hands through my hair. "Did my mom leave." "Yeah she had work. Said James." I sighed. "I gotta apologize to her for yelling and for telling Dumbledore he's out of his mind." I tried to get up but James pushed me back down. "Hey hey slow down that can all wait ok just breathe. Said James." I calm down and laid my head on his shoulder. "Sorry." "What are you sorry for. Said James." "For yelling you I shouldn't have yesterday." "It's alright. Said James." "No it's not I shouldn't have yelled or said that at you. You were just trying to ta-." "Hey it's ok I forgive you ok its alright. Said James." I bit the inside of my cheek. "Are you sure." "Yes Hayley it's alright. Said James." "Well I gotta go find the girls now." "Alright find me if you need anything. Said James." "Alright thank you James." He smiled and I walked off.

James POV

Hayley walked off and the other's walked in including Jennifer. "I thought you had work." "Got off early. Said Jen." They all came and sat down. "So where's Hayley. Said Jen." "Went to go find Mary and Nora." They all nodded. "So how did it go. Said Sirius." "Well she appoligized to me for yelling at me." "Progress. Said Sirius" "yes it is. Said Lily." "Did she just wake up. Said Jen." "Yeah also she was looking for you Jen." "For what exactly. Said Jen." "She wanted to say sorry for yelling at you." Before we could say anything we heard a noise so we all stood up and got our wands out. Then Hayley came running into Jen's arms we all put our wands away. "Hey you ok. Said Jen." "Mom I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said that an-. Said Hayley." "Hey hey calm down and it's alright I forgive you. Said Jen." "No you shouldn't I shouldn't have said that you shouldn't forgive me you should be ma-. Said Hayley." "Hayley their it's alright it's ok. Said Jen." "But it's not you should be mad I should be grounded for yelled at you and saying that you should be mad mom. Said Hayley." "But I'm not ok and I'll always forgive you for anything ok so breath Hayley. Said Jen"

Jennifer's POV

I noticed Hayley acting stranger then usual. So I walked her over somewhere private. "Hayley have you taken your meds." "About that mom I gotta tell you something. Said Hayley." I kneeled infront of her she was short i was also in heels. "Yeah what is it." She sighed and looked down. "I haven't been taking them. Said Hayley." "Hayley are you serious." "I know I know I'm supposed to but they make me feel weird mom. Said Hayley." I sighed. "How long Hayley." She mumble it. "I can't hear you speak up luv." "6 months. Said Hayley." "6 months Hayley why didn't you tell me." She didn't say anything. "Hayley answer me." "Because I knew you would be upset mom. Said Hayley." "Of course I would be upset Hayley your not taking your medication like your supposed to." I sighed I knew it wasn't her fault. "I'll tell Poppy about this and Minnie to along with the other professors Hayley." "No mom just poppy they rest they don't need to know. Said Hayley." "Yes they do need to know Hayley." "No they don't mom just Poppy she's the only one who needs to know. Said Hayley." "Hayley enough no more arguing I'm doing it ok now come with me." We walked back to the others. "Can you guys watch her till I come back." "Yeah but where are you going. Said James." "I'm going to talk to Minnie."

Hayley's POV

After my mom said that i turned towards her. "Mom she doesn't need to know." "Hayley I said enough. Said Mom." "Don't tell her." "I am not stop it I already told you. I telling her and it's over with. Said Mom." "She doesn't need to know mom if you don't tell her I will do it willingly." "Your gonna do it either way Hayley so stop. Said Mom." I looked at them then back to my mom. "Sit down till I come back. Said Mom." "She doesn't need to know m-." "Hayley Elizabeth Lorenzo I said enough now. Now stop it and sit down. Said Mom." I went and sat next to James. "Don't let her leave. Said Mom." "Got it. Said James."

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