Chapter 34

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Hayley's POV

I dropped Malia back off at her house and went to see my family. It was at least 3 hours away but I didn't care I didn't want to be home right now. I arrived and walked inside. "I'm home." I yelled then saw my family run in. "Hayley your here. Said Bexs." She ran to me and hugged me. "Yeah I wanted to come and visit you guys." I hugged them all and we sat down. "Hayley what happened. Said Kol." It was only Kol and Rebekah and Davina their. "My mom." "What happened. Said Kol." Kol always wanted the gossip so I can always come to him to talk and gossip to. "Well remember what I told you guys while I was with my uncle Derek." "Yeah why. Said Davina." "Well I showed her my memories and she got mad." They nodded. "I tried to have a civil conversation with her and she started to yell at me so I yelled back." "And what happened. Said Bexs." "My dad he walked in and got mad at me and saying don't yell at your mother when all I wanted was to have a civil conversation with her. So I left and went to Malia's house." "Well you could stay here for a little bit luv. Said Davina." "Thank aunt Davina." "I must go my luv u have plans with Marcel but I will call you. Said Bexs." "Alright I'm probably gonna go meet up with aunt Freya." "Alright see you next time darling. Said Kol." "Will do bye guys." I gave them a hug and left. I went to the town square they were doing something I don't know. I went and sat down not wanting to go back home. Then someone sat infront of me. "What's a pretty lady do here all by her self. Said ??." I looked up and saw Ethan. "Hiding from my mom." "how come your hiding from your mom if you don't mind me asking. Said Ethan." "We got into another argument because I didn't tell her some things during school and now she's mad." "Well I'm sorry for you. Said Ethan." "It's alright. What are you doing by yourself because I never actually seen you here before only at school" "I'm visiting some family I acutally live in London. Said Ethan." "Me too." "Nice what school do you go to. Said Ethan." "Well it's a private school in Scotland so yeah." I wonder if he caught on because I was trying to cover up trying not to say Hogwarts. "Well I'm transferring their. Said Ethan." He gave me a wink and pointed to his wand inside his jacket. "How'd you know." "I say I go to school in Scotland to. Said Ethan." "Well my full name is Hayley Elizabeth Lorenzo Potter yours." "Wait Potter as in Harry potter and the family that lived. Said Ethan." "Yeah my James is my dad." "Well my name is Ethan Anthony Gomez. Said Ethan." "is Lily Potter your mother. Said Ethan." "No she ain't my mother's name is Jennifer." "So tell me. Said Ethan." "Well a lot happened last year so I went to live with my uncle for a while so I went to muggle school and a lot of exciting stuff happened their but at "Scotland" a lot of bad stuff happened to me." "I'm sorry what happened. Said Ethan." "Well for starters I got put into a stupid Triwizard Tournament second task I almost drowned then a couple days after that death eaters invaded the castle and I got raped." I looked down. "You don't gotta finish it Hayley and I'm sorry that happened to you. Said Ethan." "It's alright I learned to live with it. The last task I saw those death eaters again and got to crucio curse on me a bunch of times. Found of James Potter is my dad that's was a lot for me." "Well I'm sorry you had to go through that. Said Ethan." "It's alright I learned to live with my past but when I moved I made new memories and fun ones to. I could show you but I don't know how to." "I could do it if you don't mind. Said Ethan." I smiled at him and nodded.

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