Chapter 10

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Hayley's POV

I was walking the halls when James ran up to me. "Hayley wait up. Said James." "Just leave me alone." I kept walking and he kept following. "Hayley just stop for a minute. Said James." I stopped and turned towards him. "What." "Don't get snappy on me. Said James." "Sorry what do you want." "You shouldn't have reacted like that on your mom Hayley. Said James." "If you came to lecture me I already feel bad no need to yell or say anything about it." "Then why say it. Said James." He was right. "It was just in the moment and it came out." He just stared at me. "Fine some part of it was true." "How long. Said James." I didn't say anything. "How long have you kept it all in. Said James." I looked at the ground not saying anything. "Hayley how long. Said James." "Since his death." "How long ago was it. Said James." "7 months ago." He sighed. "Hayley why didn't you tell her or your friends. Said James." "Because I don't express my feelings well I know I know I should've told someone still but then their gonna look at me all sad eye and I I just didn't need that at the time." I felt my eyes start tearing up. "Hayley. Said James." "Just stop please just stop I don't need any pity." I chewed on the inside of my cheek not making eye contact. "I'm not giving you pity I'm trying to talk to you now just give me an answer. Said James." A tear slid down my face. "No because then I'm gonna have to think of an answer then I'm gonna start to cry then i won't know if I can stop. So please just stop" he pulled me into an hug he was taller then me. "I'm not gonna stop Hayley. Said James." I hugged him back not expecting him to hug me. Another tear slid down my face. "Lets go talk somewhere private Hayley. Said James." I nodded and we walked somewhere, where it had a couch. We sat down nobody was near us. "Hayley talk to me why did you scream at Dumbledore and Mad Eye and the ministry. Said James." "The tried to blame me for putting my name in the cup then have them go against dragons." I wiped my nose it was running from trying not to cry. "Well can you explain why you yelled at your mom. Said James." I sighed and didn't say anything. "Can you. Said James." "I didn't mean to yell at her I was just mad them Cormac made me more mad so I just lost it I didn't mean to yell at her." "Hayley what's bugging you. Said James." "Everything their all acting like nothing's wrong." "What's wrong then Hayley. Said James." "Everything James just everything is wrong and it makes me so mad and I can't do anything about it." "Have you tried to take your anger out. Said James." "Well I can't do that if we don't have quidditch can I now." Another tear slid down I hated when that happens when I try to be serious i can't because I cry. I wiped the tear away quickly. "Hayley you don't need to pretend to be ok it ok not to be ok. Said James." "I know it is but when I do people think I'm a mess so I don't so I pretend to be ok people usually fall for it I wonder why you didn't." "Because Hayley I'm like you I also pretend to be ok when I'm not. Said James." I sat back on the couch and laid my head on his shoulder. "Hayley will you give this tournament one more try. Said James." "I don't know if I can I'm not ready for it." "Yes you are you just don't believe in yourself so what do you say. Said James." "I guess but I won't promise I won't go off on them again." "I know you won't Hayley. Said James." I wiped my face because another tear came down. He pulled me into his chest and held me. "Let it out Hayley. Said James." I didn't say anything. "Let it all out that's what you need. Said James." I stared to cry on him.

James POV

Hayley stopped crying after a while. When I looked down I saw her asleep in my arms. I smiled then the others walked in. "Their you are we been looking for you. Said Lily." Then they saw Hayley asleep on me. "What happened their. Said Sirius." He pointed to Hayley. "She's asleep." "How long has she been asleep. Said Jen." "About 20 minutes now." "Your gonna be stuck their all night she's comfortable and when she is she won't move. Said Jen." "It's alright I'm fine." Lily put a blanket over us. "Good thing theirs no class tomorrow. Said Remus." I nodded my head. "So what happened. Said Sirius." He was trying to be nosey. "Not gonna say much but she said she'll give the tournament one more try." "That's good. Said Jen." "Did she cry on you your shirt is wet. Said Marlene." "Yeah she did then she fell asleep." "Right then you got this handled then right. Said Jen." "Yes i do." "Well I have work I must go now bye. Said Jen." Then she left the other went to the rooms besides Lily. "She looks peaceful. Said Lily." "Yeah she does." I said while looking at her. "James what did she say. Said Lily." "She's hurting Lily she's been holding it in for 7 months now hasn't told anyone." "Sounds like you. Said Lily." "Yeah she is like me which hurts me because she keeps it in doesn't talk to anyone." "I know James I know. Said Lily." Lily laid on the other side of me. Hayley was asleep on my lap while I play with her hair. "Her hair is like yours except she has Jennifer's curls more and yours which made it curler. Said Lily." "I know." I smiled and watched as she sleeps.

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