Chapter 41

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James POV

Hayley stayed by Freya didn't leave her side. "Aunt Freya what are they doing here. Said Hayley." "They came to talk to you and you are gonna listen to them. Said Freya." "Why I don't want to talk to them. Said Hayley." "Because Hayley just listen to them. Said Freya." "Fine. Said Hayley." She looked at us. "Hayley we are sorry for going through your memories." "I just wanted to know if you were safe I needed to know you were safe. Said Jen." She didn't say anything. "Hayley we aren't mad at you." "We were just worried because your keeping things from us and it worries me because I don't know how you are or how you feel because you didn't tell me anything. Said Jen." "So your blaming me. Said Hayley." "No we aren't Hayley. Said Jen." "We're just saying that your keeping things from us and we just worry about you." She didn't say anything. "Hayley we know what we did was wrong and we're sorry for doing it. But we needed to know what was going on with you." "I was gonna tell you guys then mom started to yell at me saying she needed to know. Said Hayley." "Well I do hunny your my daughter and my baby I don't want nothing to happen to you. Said Jen." "And I was gonna explain it to you and dad but then you got mad then dad got mad so I left when I came back you guys went through my memories and went through my privacy how was I supposed to trust you now. Said Hayley." "Because we are your parents and we love you Hayley we only want what's best for you. Said Jen." "I don't I'm staying with Aunt Freya till school starts. Said Hayley." "That's fine with us. Said Jen." Hayley looked at me. "Yeah you can stay." "Right then I'll see you later aunt Freya I'll be at Uncle Kols I'm going to see Ethan. Said Hayley." "Alright tell him I said hi. Said Freya." "I will bye. Said Hayley." She left the house and we all looked at each other. "Well that went great. Said Sirius." We all looked at him then Marlene slapped him. "Who's Ethan." "Some boy Davina is watching till school starts. Said Freya." "Oh ok. Said Jen." "Well let's go see Kol and them you haven't seen them in a while Jen Rebekah misses you we all do. Said Freya" she knew what she was doing. "Yeah let's go."

Hayley's POV

Me and Ethan were messing around when he brought me to a piano. "What are we doing here." "Let's play I play the piano you sing. Said Ethan." I smiled at him then went to sit down. He put a paper down.

Jennifer's POV

We all walked in and saw everyone sitting down. "Hey guys." Rebekah ran over and hugged me. "I missed you Jen. Said Bexs." "I know and i missed my best friend to." "Where's Hayley. Said James." "Her and Ethan should be around here somewhere they walked off together. Said Davina." All the boys stared at her. "Just them two. Said Kol." "Alone. Said James." "Yeah. Said Bexs." "Why would you leave them alone. Said James." "Together. Said Marcel." "It's fine." Then we heard the piano play so we followed the sound of it. Then we saw Ethan and Hayley playing it.

"How'd you do that Ethan. Said Hayley." "I didn't do anything Hayley but who was that man. Said Ethan." "That was my dad we acutally wrote this song together. Said Hayley." "What you did in your memories were cool. Said Ethan." "Oh thank you wanna do another one. Said Hayley." "Yeah. Said Ethan." "Ethan remember what Hardin did right. Said Hayley." "Yeah why. Said Ethan." "Well at my uncle's he gave me an music studio so I can play like I use to. Said Hayley." "And. Said Ethan." "Well I might've wrote two songs about him. Said Hayley." "No way. Said Ethan." "Yeah I did I don't know how to tell him. Said Hayley." "Don't tell him till you guys ever break up again then sing the songs let me hear one. Said Ethan." "K. Said Hayley."

We all watched them. "So. Said Hayley." "Don't so me that was amazing Hayley. Said Ethan." "You think. Said Hayley." "I know. Said Ethan." We whispered so they didn't hear. "They like each other. Said Bexs." "She's dating someone bex." "Do you not see the way they look at each other it was like you and Klaus. Said Bexs." I looked back at them. Maybe she was right. "So wanna play another one. Said Hayley." "Sure. Said Ethan." She got up and grabbed a paper. "This one my dad and mom made it. Said Hayley." "What's it about. Said Ethan." "Him and my mom it's two people. Said Hayley." He nodded and she sat down.

Haven't heard this song in a while. "Your dad made good songs. Said Ethan." "I know. Said Hayley." We all went to go sit down.

Hayley's POV

"How about I show you something come with me." He nodded and we got up. We walked to the library. I grabbed a book and sat it down. "What's this. Said Ethan." "Just listen my dad was one of the worlds original hybrid." "Was. Said Ethan." "Turns out even immortal being can find a way to die eventually." I pointed to the page. "Klaus Mikelson the great evil. Said Ethan." "Yeah he wasn't really a good guy around here." "Well my foster dad's use to burn me with cigerates I guess evil is related. Said Ethan." "I loved him and he died everyone I ever love dies eventually I try not to get close to people." "Well you aren't the only person Hayley. And I don't care if I get killed because of you. Said Ethan." "I do Ethan your my best friend and I don't want you to die." "I'd rather die then not being your friend at all. Said Ethan." We both stared at each other. Then next thing happened we kissed I pulled away. "I can't I'm with Hardin Ethan." "I know. Said Ethan." "I hope I didn't make things awkward around us." "You didn't I don't care Hayley I'll wait for you no matter what. Said Ethan" "I thought you were gay." "I lied you asked then it just slipped out of my mouth. Said Ethan." "Good thing I didn't tell my friend." We laughed. "That would've been awkward. Said Ethan." "Yeah it would be." We talked for a little bit then went out to the living room.

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