Chapter 4

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Hayley's POV

Today we are all meeting in the great hall for the picking. I'm still tired from last night Nora woke me up early. I'm half asleep on the table while their all talking. "Harry Potter and Hayley Lorenzo. Said Dumble." I didn't hear him I was asleep at the table.

Nora's POV

Dumbledore announced the Hayley's name. We knew she didn't do it because she's been asleep infront of us and she's still mad about the tournament being at the school. We knew not to wake her up. "Where's Ms.Lorenzo. Said Dumble." Everyone pointed to her asleep at the table. "Wake her up dear. Said Minnie." Everyone in Gryffindor knew not to wake her up so we all shook our heads no. "I'll do it. Said Draco." We all knew what was gonna happen. He walked over to her and started to move her to wake her up. "Leave me the fuck alone Malfoy before I cut your dick off. Said Hayley." Everyone held in their laugh. "Filthy mudblood don't touch me. Said Draco." "Then get your hands off me. Said Hayley." Now she was up but mad for waking her up. "Ms.Lorenzo did you put your name on the goblet of fire. Said Dumble." "Do what now. Said Hayley." "He's asking did you put your name in the goblet of fire. Said Fred." "What the hell is that. Whatever I'm tired I'm going to my dorm. Said Hayley." She got up and walked off. Everyone knew she didn't by her reaction it was obvious.

James POV

We all followed Hayley out the great hall. "Yes James why are you guys following me. Said Hayley." "We just wanted to ask did you put your name in the goblet of fire. Said Remus." She stopped walking and turned towards us. "For the last time what the hell is that. Said Hayley." "So if you don't know what it is then who put your name in it. Said Sirius." "For fuck sakes I don't know I'm just bloody tired. Said Hayley." She took off we all look at each other. "She has your temper James. Said Sirius." "We could tell. Said Remus." Then Harry walked over to us. "Harry did you. Said Lily." "No mom I didn't what about Hayley. Said Harry." "She doesn't even know what the goblet of fire is so no she didn't. Said Marlene." "How come no one in Gryffindor woke her up. Said Remus." "Everyone is scared to wake her up and we know not to wake her up either. Said Harry." "Will she actually do that to Malfoy. Said Sirius" "yes she will I tried to wake her once she punched me that was in class. Said Harry." Me and Sirius held in our laugh. Dumbledore came down the hall for us. "I want you all in my office where is Ms.Lorenzo. Said Dumble." "She went to her dorm." "Well Lily go get her. Said Dumble." We walked to the office while Lily went to go get her.

Hayley's POV

I just got inside the common room when Lily Potter came in. "Hayley Dumbledore wants you in the office. Said Lily." I rolled my eyes. "Just great just fucking great." We walked to the office when I got in I saw my mom. "I didn't kill Malfoy if that's what your asking but I could of you want just another problem I could get out of the way." "Hayley no. Said Mom." "Your no fun." "Sit down. Said Mom." I walked over and sat down my mom was behind me playing with my hair. It was brown and curl. "So why I'm I here." "Hayley manners. Said Mom." "Ms.Dumbledore why I'm I here may I ask." "Hayley knock it off. Said Mom." "Well I'm here to ask did you two put your name in the goblet of fire. Said Dumble." "For the last time what the hell is that." I was standing up when I yelled at him. "I don't even know what your talking about." "Were you even listening to the dinner last night or todays breakfast. Said Harry." "I skipped dinner after he said no quidditch this year and I was in the library for breakfast moron." "As you could tell by my daughter she obviously doesn't know what's going on because she doesn't like to listen. Now tell me what's going on. Said Mom." "Hayley's name came out of the goblet of fire along with mister Potter's. Said Minnie." "Hayley did you do it. Said Mom." "No I didn't i don't even know what your talking about. I was literally asleep during the whole thing ask moron over here." I pointed to Harry. "She was she also threaten to cut off Malfoy's private area to. Said Harry." "See told you." My mom just looked at me. "Did you really do that Hayley. Said Mom." "Yeah he woke me up." She rolled her eye's. "I'm also not doing whatever this stupid thing is." "You have to. Said Dumble." "Then if I die I'm going to haunt your ass Dumbledore." I walked out of his office with my mom following me. "Hayley Elizabeth Lorenzo stop right their. Said Mom." I knew I was in trouble when she said my middle name. I turned around and looked at her. "What is going on Hayley why are you acting like this. Said Mom.

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