Chapter 24

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Hayley's POV

We ran into Cedric as we were walking. "Were you two yelling at each other. Said Cedric." "How'd you know." "I heard from across the maze. Said Cedric." "Who knew I could yell that loud." "Really Hayley. Said Harry." "So your related to Harry. Said Cedric." "Yeah." "By who. Said Cedric." "His dad well our dad. Dad's a man who're."

James POV

It got quiet fast so we were waiting for someone to appear. "Dads not a man whore Hayley stop staying that. Yelled Harry." "Yes he is a man whore Harold look see point proven he had me man who're. Yelled Hayley." My face turned red while they laughed. "Your daughter called you a man whore mate. Said Sirius." "Nope I don't believe it was her." "James we all heard her call you one. Said Remus." They were laughing still.

Hayley's POV

We finally found the stupid thing we had to come look for. "What's that." I pointed to the cup. They both looked at me. "The port key to get us back to the others were you not listening. Said Cedric." "No she wasn't I had to tank her to come in. Said Harry." "On three all of us." I counted to three and we all grabbed it and we landed somewhere in a grave yard. "Is this where I'm supposed to be." "No get your wands ready. Said Cedric." I was gonna grab my wand where I placed it and it wasn't their. "My wand it's not here." They looked at me. "Stay behind us Hayley. Said Harry." "Where is your wand. Said Cedric." "Don't know I placed it in my holder it must've fell we we're fighting Victor how tho the one time I need it." A man appeared infront of us I stayed by Harry the entire time till I felt like I was being stabbed. So I screamed out and fell to the ground. "Stupid girl no wand. Said Death Eater 5." I looked up and saw it was the death eaters from that night. "We meet again little Potter. Said Death Eater 2." "Hayley what does he mean. Said Harry." "Nothing Harry." I heard some one yell the crucio curse on me which made me scream again. I was laying on the ground. When I saw a green light flash and Cedric body fly to the ground which made me scream in horror thinking Harry was next. I tried to get up but they kept hitting me with the curse which made me scream more.

James POV

We waited for them to come back because Fleur and Victor already came back. Then we saw a light appear so we quickly ran down towards them. Then we heard a scream which made me run faster over to them. "He's back he's back Cedric he told me to bring his body back. Said Harry." I saw Cedric body on the floor and Hayley's next to his. I ran over to Harry he was next to Hayley's body. "Dad she needs help they it her with the crucio curse a lot of times. Said Harry." "I'm fine Harry. Said Hayley." She tried to get up she did with the help Harry. She was standing up you could tell she was in pain. "What happened. Said Dumble." "He's back I told you this tournament was a bad idea but you didn't listen. Said Hayley." Before anyone could say anything she fainted I quickly caught her. "Take her to the hospital wing. Said Minnie." I ran to the hospital wing and laid her on the bed. "Poppy help her." She ran over to me and pushed me out of her way the others ran in I was pacing back and forth. "What happened. Said Lily." "Poppy is working on her." "Dad one of the death eaters told Hayley nice to see you again. Said Harry." "Do you know who it was Harry." "Yeah it was Evan Rosier do you think she's a death eater. Said Harry." "She ain't this is something else Harry stay with your mother tell Jennifer I'll be back." I walked off pissed and ran into Marlene Sirius Remus and Jennifer. "Where are you going. Said Jen." "After Rosier." "James no. Said Marlene." "No he hurt Hayley I'm going after him." "Were coming to. Said Remus." We walked away.

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