Chapter 9

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Time Skip

Hayley's POV

Today is the first task which sucks. We are all meeting in the tent why am I because Dumbledore said I had too. I walked in and saw Harry and his family. "Hayley why are you in here not to be rude. Said Harry." "Damm Dumbledore said I had to be unless I would be asleep under my blanket hibernating." Then he walked in the tent with a bag. "C'mon huddle up. Said Dumble." We got into a circle and open the bag. "Pick one. Said Dumble." They all picked one and it was dragons. We all gave each other space. "Are you crazy." "Hayley. Said James." "No those are fucking dragons they could die." "Ms.Lorenzo it will be alright. Said Dumble." "Yeah I'm out I'm not watching this." "You have to stay with your team mate. Said Ministry." I turned and looked at them both in the eye. "Does it look like I wanted to be in this stupid tournament in the first place no." "But you did put your name in the goblet of fire. Said Mad Eye." "What the fuck is that I don't even know what that is and I told Dumbledore I didn't want to be in this stupid tournament in the first place if I want a death wish I would've went to one of Voldemort's little death eaters instead." They all gasped when I said his name except Harry. "Ms.Lorenzo. Said Ministry." "No don't Ms.Lorenzo me I'm done I'm out of this stupid tournament you can say I put my name in that stupid cuppy thing all you want but I will not risk my life for a stupid tournament." "I will be calling your mother. Said Dumble." He said hoping it would threaten me. "Go ahead call her do it I dare you because I'd rather not even be here in this school where you can't even find the person who did this at least at the other magical school no student comes in harm here. Here is a death trap." I walked out the tent pissed off. I started to walk around in the halls just walking pissed off.

James POV

They cancelled the first task today for next week. Hayley has to be here in the tent incase something happens to Harry. We all walked off to find her. We sent Harry to his dorm. Then we heard yelling. "Cormac for the last fucken time piss off. Said Hayley." "Just one date Hayley. Said Cormac." "No bloody piss off Cormac no wonder Hermione didn't want to date you your bloody annoying. Said Hayley." We were all amused at what was happening. She tried to walk away when he grabbed her arm. "Lorenzo. Said Cormac." "Let go of my bloody arm before you don't have an arm and I'll make sure you won't be able to play quidditch anymore I'm sure Ron will be better then you. Said Hayley." He let go of her arm and she twisted his backwards. "Touch me again and I'll promise you you'll never play quidditch again because you'll be dead kinda hard to play when your dead right. Said Hayley." She let go of his arm and walked off. We all followed her. "Leave me alone James. Said Hayley." "Hayley stop." "No leave me alone. Said Hayley." "Hayley." I yelled and she stopped and turned towards me. "What the bloody hell do you want James. Said Hayley." "What happened back their in the tent." "None of your business James. Said Hayley." "Tell me." "No your not my dad. Said Hayley." "Hayley just tell me." "No I'm not. Said Hayley." "Then if your not gonna tell him you better start telling me. Said Jen." She started to walk over to Hayley. "Hayley what hell happened in the tent why did I get a letter from Dumbledore telling me to come now. Said Jen." "Dumbledore is losing his mind mum. Said Hayley." "You better start talking right now. Said Jen." She rolled her eyes. "Hayley now. Said Jen." "Fine he lost his mind having them use dragons as it is they can't even find the person who put my name in that stupid cuppy thing and mad eye said I did it they all lost their minds. I'm not doing that stupid tournament I'm done. Yelled Hayley." "Hayley stop yelling." "No he's out of his mind if he thinks I'm doing it I'm done I don't want no part of this what so ever. Yelled Hayley." "Hayley Elizabeth Lorenzo you better stop yelling right now. Said Jen." She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Dad wouldn't have let this happen If he was still here. Said Hayley." "But he's not Hayley alright I get it you miss him doesn't mean act like this now your acting out and have attitudes. Said Jen." "What attitude and what acting out mum tell me I been listening since they first pulled my name out I agreed to do it now I'm done I'm out I'm not doing it not anymore. Said Hayley." "Hayley." "No I'm done I'm not doing it. Said Hayley." "What about Harry. Said Jen." "This kind of stuff always happens to him he's use to it I'm not mom I rather live my life then risk it so I'm not doing it call me when they find out who put my name is that stupid cup thing. Said Hayley." She started to walk away. "Hayley don't you dare walk away from your mother I am talking to you. Said Jen." She stopped and turned around. "Hayley listen here you will help Harry then we can find out who did this. Said Jen." "I'm not helping him he's perfectly fine on his own just talk to me when you find out who did it. Said Hayley." She walked off we all sighed in frustration. "What do we do they moved it to next week. Said Sirius." "I don't know. Said Marlene." "See what I mean both of our tempers. Said Jen." "Yup we all see it now she really is like James. Said Lily." "James why don't you go try you seem to bond a little. Said Remus." "Yeah I'll go."

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