Chapter 22

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Hayley's POV

It's been 3 days since the incident. I stay in my room my mom brings food to my room. Nora and Mary just got here I told them what happened so their coming over. My parents come in to check on me every hour. I stood up to answer the door but as soon as I got up I got dizzy so I grabbed the bed for support. Then I heard the door open. "Princess you ok. Said Dad." I looked up at him. "Dad I'm dizzy." Then I fainted.


I woke up on my bed and saw my mom and dad. "What happened and why does my head hurt." "You fainted luv and hit your head. Said Mom." "You alright. Said Dad." "Yeah my head just hurts dad are Mary and Nora here." "No their mom told them to come tomorrow instead. Said Mom." "Oh ok." "Hey are you sure your alright you hit your head pretty hard princess. Said Dad." "Yeah dad just my head hurts." "We'll be downstairs if you need anything. Said Mom." "I'm gonna stay with her. Said Dad." My mom went downstairs and I sat up in the bed. "Hey be careful. Said Dad." "Dad." "Yeah. Said Dad." "Who's downstairs." "Everyone even your grandparents. Said Dad." I thought about going downstairs I haven't seen them in a while. "Can we go down their I want to say hi to them." "Yeah sure. Said Dad." I got out of bed a little dizzy but ignored it. We walked downstairs and I saw everyone their. My grandparents were the first to notice me come down. "Ah Hayley their you are I was just asking for you. Said Mia." I walked over and gave them a hug. "Looks like you gotten smaller from the last time I saw you. Said Monty." "It's only been a few weeks." He just laughed then my mom walked over to me. "I thought you were laying down. Said Mom." "She wanted to come say hi. Said Dad." "Oh alright be careful. Said Mom." I nodder and stood next to my dad. I was getting more dizzy as I stood. "Hayley dear you alright. Said Molly." "I'm fine." "You sure you look pale sweet heart. Said Mia."

James POV

They we asking Hayley some questions right now. Then I noticed her getting pale. "You sure you look pale dear. Said Molly." "Yeah I'm fi-" she collapsed onto the floor. "Hayley. Said Jen." I quickly picked her up and had her in my arms. "That's the second time today. Said Jen." "I'm taking her to get checked." "I'll go. Said Jen." "I'm coming to. Said Lily." "Molly Marlene mom watch the kids please." They nodded and we left. We went to the hospital and they checked her into a bed. We waited for the doctor to come. "What's wrong with her that's the second time today. Said Jen." "I don't know." Then the doctor walked in. "Hi you guys must be her parents." "No I'm her stepmo-." "Yes we are her parent's what's wrong with her. Said Jen." We gave them all the information about what happened. "It appears her body is not reacting well to her past trauma." "What do you mean." "Well I mean Ms.Lorenzo here her body is trying to fight for its self from that night. Ms.Lorenzo is trying to forget about the incident but her body ain't agreeing with it so that's what keeps making her faint." "Thank you. Said Jen." "We'll keep her over night for observation." "Alright. Said Lily." He walked out and I sat next to Hayley. "I will go home and let them know you guys stay here. Said Lily." "Alright thank you Lily. Said Jen." She nodded and left. "She'll be ok Jen." "I don't know James like what the doctor said she's fighting to forget what happened to her and that's what keeps making her pass out. Said Jen" "I know God that shouldn't have had happened to her." "I know after the task I'm sending her to live with my brother's she's going to go to muggle school. Said Jen" "don't Jennifer I just got her." "I'm sorry James but it's the best for it and my brothers will and her cousins will help her. Said Jen." "Jen she's my daughter don't send her." "I don't want to but I don't want this to happen again so she'll live with my brother's for a little bit. Said Jen." "I'll be fine dad don't worry. Said Hayley." "When did you wake up princess." "Not that long ago. Said Hayley." "I'm sorry Hayley. Said Jen." "It's alright mom and besides I miss my uncle's haven't seen them in a while. Said Hayley." "Get some sleep Hayley." "Can you lay with me dad. Said Hayley." "Yeah I will." I laid next to her while she laid on my chest. You could hear her voice it sounded weak. I kissed the top of her head as a tear slid down my face.

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