Chapter 25

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Hayley's POV

I woke up and felt someone holding my hand. It was my mom and dad I tried to sit up but I got pain all over my body. "Hey hey just lay down. Said Mom." I saw my dad's hands were bruised up.  "What happened to you hands dad." "Nothing princess don't worry. Said Dad." "Mom it's hurts." "I know Poppy took off as much pain as she could. Said Mom." I had a bad headache and my body hurts everywhere. "Mom." "Yeah baby. Said Mom." "I saw them again." "Who. Said Mom." "The death eaters I saw them again." "They didn't hurt you right. Said Mom." "They hit me with the crucio curse." "Where was your wand. Said Mom." "I dropped it when we were fighting Victor we landed in the graveyard and Cedric told us to get our wands out and I noticed it wasn't in my holster." My head was hurting really bad. "Mom I'm sorry." "For what baby. Said Mom." "For not having my wand with me." "Hey it's not your fault do you hear me don't blame yourself. Said Dad." "Where's Harry he ok." "Yeah he's ok. Said Mom." "They found out who put your name on the cup it was mad eye but it was a escaped death eater who used poly juice potion. Said Dad." "Knew he seemed off." They laughed a little. "We heard you guys yelling yknow. Said Dad." My eyes widen. "Why did you call me a man whore. Said Dad." My mom started to laugh I shrugged my shoulders. "The secrets out Harry yelled it and if you heard me call you a man whore I'm assuming everyone else heard to." "Yeah they did. Said Mom." "When do I leave." "Next week. Said Mom." "Ok." "Why. Said Mom." "Just asking so I have time to spend with you and dad." They smiled at me. "Who were you yelling at. Said Dad." "Victor when he was throwing spells at us." "Well everyone heard and you made everyone laugh. Said Mom." "Good at least they got a good laugh before everything." I closed my eyes in pain because it hurts bad. I winced in pain from my body to my head. "Hey what's wrong. Said Dad." "It hurts." "I'll go ask Poppy see if she has anything for you. Said Mom." I nodded and she walked off. "Dad can you lay with me." "Yeah I will." He laid next to me I laid on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me softly. "Dad what happened to your hands their all bruised." "Nothing princess. Said Dad." "Dad tell me." "Fine I taught those death eaters not to hurt you along with the help of Remus and Sirius. Said Dad." "You didn't have to." "Your my little girl of course i was going to they weren't going to get away with it. Said Dad." "Dad." "Yeah. Said Dad." "I love you." "Why are you just saying it. Said Dad." "Incase we never see each other again." "Hey don't talk like that we'll see each other again don't worry. Said Dad." He gave me a kiss on my head. I slowly dozed off to sleep.

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