Chapter 27

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Time Skip Sorry

Hayley's POV

Summer was a blast we had so much fun. I made friends with Niks friends their awesome. Today is the first day of school. I'm nervous I never been good at first impressions. The principle is taking me to my first class which is P.E lucky I have it with Scott and Stiles their awesome me and Stiles get along great. I was already wearing some gym shorts on a top to excessive in. "Coach this is your new student Hayley Lorenzo." I waved at him and the students it was mainly boys. "Right well put your stuff down and go with the boys. Said Coach." I sat it down and went next to Scott and Stiles. "I thought your last name is Hale. Said Scott." "It's my step-dads last name my mom's last name is Hale." "Oh makes more sense. Said Stiles." "Let's see what you got Lorenzo. Said Coach." He threw me a stick and I caught it easily. "Good reflexes now let's see how you play. Said Jackson." Scott gave me a run down on how to play and we played during summer. I was playing defence while they threw balls at me. They all threw them at me and I caught them all. So I went out to throw some in the base and got them all in. "Lorenzo have you ever played before. Said Coach." "Yeah during summer with my friends and family." "How about you join our lacrosse team. Said Coach." I looked back at the boys and they were shaking their heads yes. "Yeah I'll join." "Alright practice is tomorrow. Said Coach." He walked off and i walked over to the boys. "Welcome to the team Liz. Said Isaac." "Thank you." I smiled at him. "Lets go find Nik before he gets into a fight or something." "Yes we need to do that. Said Stiles." Me and Stiles were like two peas in a pod we just clicked instantly.


We finally went home from school. Which was a long day. "Uncle Derek guess what." "What Lizzie. Said Derek." "I made the lacrosse team." They all cheered for me. "Good job Liz. Said Dan." "Thanks Dan." "Lets go celebrate. Said Elijah." "Yes let's go." We all went out to get some food. We walked because it wasn't far and they need the excessive too.

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