Chapter 33

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James POV

I woke and saw Hayley still asleep. I thought to myself. God she must've been tired. I started to play with her hair and gave her a kiss on the head. "Morning dad. Said Hayley." "Morning princess how long have you been up." "A while now. Said Hayley." "Doing what." "Thinking that's all and I didn't want to move. Said Hayley" "Well I'm glad you didn't because I'm glad I woke up to my little girl still in my arms." "I'm glad I didn't either. Said Hayley." "Well let's head downstairs I'm sure their all waiting for us." "You go ahead I'll meet you down their. Said Hayley." "You sure." "Yeah. Said Hayley." I gave her a kiss and walked downstairs.

Hayley's POV

My dad walked out and I laid back down not wanting to go out their. I threw on Hardin sweater he gave me yesterday. I made sure I had my bag and keys because I'm meeting up with Malia in a little bit. I walked downstairs and they all looked at me. "Your dressed where you going. Said Harry." "To meet up with a friend." "We gotta talk first Hayley. Said Mom." "See if you let me finish I was gonna say in a little bit." I rolled my eyes. "Hayley don't start. Said Dad." "Start what." "Hayley. Said Dad." He said in a warning voice but I didn't care I wasn't doing anything wrong. I motioned for my mom to come into the living room to talk in private.

James POV

Hayley and Jennifer went to the living room to talk. While the other all looked at me. "What." "James being the bad guy for once what. Said Sirius." "What." "Nothing we're just surprised at what you just did. Said Lily." "Wait so your all surprised." They all shook their head yes. "Even you Harry." "Yeah you never did that with me unless it was serious. Said Harry." Before any one could say anything we heard yelling. So I got up and walked in their. "No Hayley. Said Jen." "Yes mom it doesn't matter that I didn't tell you. Said Hayley." "Yes it is because you got stabbed and kidnapped. Said Jen." "And I had the pack and my uncle's to rescue me mom so it doesn't matter. Said Hayley." "Yes it does you could've died Hayley. Said Jen." "So what. Yelled Hayley." "Hayley enough now." She shook her head. "I'm leaving. Said Hayley." She started to walk towards the door. "Hayley get back here now. Said Jen." "For what for you to yell at me more. Said Hayley." "Don't speak to you mother that way Hayley." "Whatever. Said Hayley." She walked out and slammed the door so I followed her out. "Hayley come here now." "No. Said Hayley." "Hayley I'm not gonna ask again get out of the car and come here." She didn't reply and just drove off. I walked back inside frustrated. "Where is she. Said Lily." "She drove off." "God I wish she was still a child at least she couldn't drive off at least just run to her room. Said Jen." I agreed with her

Haley's POV

I'm driving to Malia house so lived at least an hour away so it was easy for me. I arrived at her house and walked inside. "I'm here Malia." I heard running come towards me then I got pulled into a hug. "I missed you. Said Malia." "I missed you two." We went and sat down. "What's wrong. Said Malia." "My mom." "What happened. Said Malia." "She's mad because I didn't tell her anything about what happened now she's mad." "Oh. Said Malia." "Like she expected me to tell her when I already knew she was gonna yell at me." "Tell me more. Said Malia." "Well when I got home last night I was gonna explain everything today but as I was walking to my room she started to yell at me. Then this morning I tried to talk to her she started to yell at me again and my dad got mad at me. Saying Hayley don't yell at your mother." I rolled my eyes. "Well let's go do something. Said Malia." I smiled at her she always made me happy somehow.

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