Chapter 20

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Hayley's POV

It's been two weeks since I found out about James. It's been a couple days since the second task I almost drowned. Mary got me these cute night gown dresses since I love dresses so does she. It's currently late right now but I can't sleep so I'm going on a walk. I saw a light on so I went to go check it out. Their was death eaters in here. "You guys need to leave now." They all looked at me they were all males. "Ah look who we have here pretty little Potter. Said Death Eater 1" "How do you know that." They started to walk closer and i started to back up. I was gonna run but the grabbed me. "Where is Harry Potter. Said Death Eater 2" "I don't know just let me go."

Lily's POV

We all heard Hayley's door open so we went to go find her. Then I saw Harry. "Harry what's wrong." "Nothing I'm alright. Said Harry." Before i could ask anymore questions Hayley came running down the hall. Then she looked frighten then I noticed her clothes. "Harry go get your dad and tell him to come back to our dorm." "Alright mom. Said Harry." I walked Hayley to our dorm. "Hayley what happened." "Death Eaters they came looking for Harry they were gonna kill him. Said Hayley."

She was still crying on the floor when James ran in. "Where is she is she alright. Said James." I quickly walked over to him. "James lower your voice." He looked at her crying. "Why is she crying. Said James." "James I need you to get the others and get Jennifer immediately." He nodded and walked off. I walked back to Hayley. "Hayley." I tried to grab her arm. "No no. Said Hayley." I stepped back. I turned around and saw the others including Jennifer. Jennifer quickly walked over to me. "What happened to her. Said Jen." "Jen we heard her sneaking out so we went to go look for her I ran into Harry then she came running down the hall. She looked frighten so I brought her in here." "Don't say it Lily. Said Jen." "She said their we're death eaters looking for Harry but she fought one of them off and the other ones they." "What is it Lily. Said James." "Jen they raped her." She got tears in her eyes then walked over to Hayley.

Hayley's POV

"Hayley it's me. Said Mom." I looked up and saw her and quickly hugged her. "Mom I'm so sorry." "You don't have nothing to be sorry about baby. Said Mom." "But I do if I wasn't out then none of this would've happen." "Hey listen to me this ain't your fault ok it's not your fault none of it is. Said Mom." "I just wanna go home mom." "Yeah we can go home. Said Mom." I started to cry more. Then I started to panic and pace around my room.

(Pretend they were talking about what happened in the castle. And their was no bodies.)

James POV

We all watched Hayley as she cried onto Jennifer. I walked out of the dorm and they followed me. "Lily give me my wand." "No James. Said Lily." "And where are you going. Said Marlene." "To get those bastard who did this to her." I was beyond pissed that they did it to her. "I'll help. Said Sirius." "Me too. Said Remus." "Now where are you boys going. Said Minnie." We turned around and saw Minnie and Dumbledore. "Well. Said Minnie." "Their we're death eaters in the castle and Hayley ran into them." "Is she ok. Said Minnie." They walked towards us. "No she's not Minnie." "What happened. Said Minnie." I couldn't say it. "They were looking for Harry but they found Hayley instead and raped her. Said Lily." "Oh dear god. Said Minnie." "If their are death eaters in the castle the kids will be going home tomorrow I will send their parents a letter. Said Dumble." He walked away. "My wand Lily." "James I understand you mad. Said Minnie." "I'm beyond mad." "I understand that but she needs you James Hayley needs you. Said Minnie." "She's right James Hayley needs you. Said Lily." Even though I was mad I walked back in and went over to Hayley. I sat next to her. "Hayley." She turned towards me. "It's alright Hayley." "I'm sorry dad I'm so sorry. Said Hayley." "You have nothing to be sorry for listen to me this is not your fault none of it is so don't blame yourself." "But if I wouldn't have gone out non-. Said Hayley." "Hayley it doesn't matter it's not your fault." I pulled her into a hug. "Dad can we go home. Said Hayley." "Yeah princess we'll go home tomorrow." She cried onto me while I held her. Jennifer started to pack her clothes and stuff while I held her.

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