Chapter 17

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James POV

We are heading back to the school. The others are infront of me and Hayley. She was walking on the bricks next to us. I stayed by her so she wouldn't fall. "Your gonna fall be careful Hayley." "I will don't worry. Said Hayley." I watched as she walked on it. She was about to fall but I caught her. "See I told you your gonna fall." I had her hands in mine I held them as she walked in them. "Yknow your not big for your age." "I always been like that. Said Hayley." We got to the end so I picked her up and put her on the ground. "Thank you. Said Hayley." "Your welcome. Your also very light to." "Like I said always been like that no matter what. Said Hayley." I nodded we were walking back to the castle together the other's just disappeared out of nowhere we were walking when Hayley grabbed my hand. They were small compared to my hand. "So what are you gonna do next year." "Well I'm gonna go to muggle school that's why I wanted to make this year fun. Said Hayley." "Why do you wanna go to muggle school." "Don't know but I have a cousin out their he's funny I'm gonna go stay with him till 7th year. Said Hayley." "You'll be 17 then" "Yeah I know my mum she knows already. Said Hayley." We walked towards her dorm. "Night Hayley see you in the morning." "Alright night James. Said Hayley." She gave me a hug then walked inside. I went to the kitchen and saw them all their including Jennifer. I walked over to Jennifer. "Jennifer she's switching out next year." "Yeah how do you know. Said Jen." "She told me why is she." "Because she wants to she's gonna stay with my brother and she's gonna be with her cousin so calm down. Said Jen." "Calm down how come you didn't tell me." "Because I wasn't expecting you to find out James. Said Jen." "She can't move Jennifer." "She is James and it's only till she's 17 and she's been wanting to see my brother her her cousin and they planned this for a while now. Said Jen." "Who knows about this." "Well Minnie Dumbledore Mary and Nora and you guys now. Said Jen." "And you didn't tell me." "Because i didn't expect you to find out she'll be safe anyways my brother will be expecting her anyways so you can't stop her. Said Jen." "What if i change her mind." "She laughed at me. "Funny she won't change her mind she's stubborn like you and it'll be good for her to be with family. Said Jen." "We are her family to Jennifer." "I know but she hasn't seen her uncle and cousin since she was 11 James she's 14 years old that's 4 years she hasn't seen them and their all really close to each other. Said Jen." "Don't send her Jennifer." "I'm not sending her i don't even want her to go but she want then she will go and it'll be good for her James." "The don't send her." "I'm sorry James but it's not my decision. Said Jen." "Your her mother." "Yeah but I'll respect her decision she wants to go stay with my brother then fine she can go and it's only two years. Said Jen." "You raised her Jennifer I'm just getting to know her." "James it'll be alright is she coming back for her last year. Said Lily." "Yeah she is she said she wants to graduate with Mary and Nora. Said Jen." "See you'll see her again. Said Lily." I sighed. "I guess." I sat down next to Lily. "You guys ditched us." "You were bonding so we left. Said Marlene." "Why is she small and light." "I don't know I took her to the doctors and they said she'll be fine I don't know she was like that as a baby to. Said Jen." "So what did you guys do. Said Sirius." "Well after she almost fell I caught her she held my hand the entire the way then just talk she gave me a hug before walking into her dorm." "See progress. Said Lily." "Yeah she's warming up to you. Said Remus." "Yeah she is." We all talked for the rest of the night.

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