Chapter 36

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Hayley's POV

I woke up this morning and went downstairs and saw only my aunt Freya. "Where are the other's." "They left they had a busy schedule today. Said Freya." "Alright tell them I said bye I must get going." "Alright drive safely. Said Freya." "I will love you aunt Freya." "Love you too Hayley bye. Said Freya." I gave her a hug then left. I played some music then got some food then hit the road. I sang along to the music made some pit stops along the way. I arrived infront of the house I turned the car off and sat in it for a minute. I inhaled then stepped out the car and walked inside. I was gonna walk to my room and ignore everyone. Till someone stopped me. "Hayley Elizabeth Lorenzo Potter. Said Mom." I inhaled then turned around. "What." "Don't what us. Said Dad." "Where have you been you didn't come home last night. Said Mom." "I was out." "Out where because you didn't come home last night. Said Dad." "Do you know how worried I was Hayley something could've happened to you." "But nothing did so I'm fine." I rolled my eyes. "Hayley where were you. Said Mom." "I was out." "Hayley answer the question. Said Dad." "Where were you. Said Mom." "With friends." "With who and where were you all night. Said Dad." "With friends." "Hayley I'm not gonna ask again where were you. Said Dad." I ignored him and rolled my eyes. "Hayley answer me right now. Said Dad." He said in a stern voice. "Hayley now. Said Mom." "Who were you with and where were you. Said Dad." "I was with a friend." I got annoyed and went to my room and slammed my door. I locked it so they couldn't come in. They I heard knocking on the door. "Hayley open the door right now. Said Mom." I ignored them banging on the door. "Hayley you better open this door right now. Said Dad." I rolled my eyes and opened the door. They walked in and started to ask me questions again and I ignored them. "Hayley where the hell we're you and who were you with. Said Dad." "For the last time I was with friends." "Hayley just tell me who were you with. Said Mom." "I was with Malia god happy now." "Yes now where we're you last night. Said Dad." "I spent the night somewhere." "Where Hayley. Said Mom." "At Aunt Freya's house." "That's 3 hours away Hayley. Said Mom." "I know I didn't want be here with you guys so I went to her instead." "Why didn't she tell me. Said Mom." "Because I told her not to." "Why are you keeping things from me Hayley. Said Mom." "Because I already know how your gonna react your gonna ask why I didn't tell you then yell at me then ground me." "Well of course I would've but depending on what you told me. Said Mom." "See you would've reacted that way either way." "Why didn't you just tell us then you wouldn't be in this mess right now. Said Dad." "Because you would've made me come home." "Yeah I would've and to think you were safe their. Said Mom." "I was more safe their then here do you not remember the past events that happened or should I tell you again." "Hayley. Said Dad." "No dad no you can't just say I wasn't safe their when I was uncle Derek made sure I was alright and safe no matter what when I was here I almost drowned I got raped I got the crucio curse on me almost died then to it was more safer their then here." "Hayley. Said Mom." "No I'm going back with Uncle Derek." I grabbed my stuff and went downstairs. I grabbed my keys and went outside. I put my stuff back in the car they all came out here. "Hayley. Said Lily." "What." "Where are you going. Said Marlene." "Somewhere now bye." I drove off and went to the compound. I walked in and they all looked at me. I was about to cry from everything. "Hayley what's wrong. Said Bexs." They got up and Freya walked over to me and hugged me. "Hayley come sit. Said Freya." We went and sat down. I told them everything what happened. "Don't tell my mom I'm here." "We won't don't worry. Said Bexs." "Hayley I want you to meet my friends son. Said Davina." "Cool." "Ethan come here. Said Davina." I looked at saw it was the Ethan I talked to yesterday night. "Hayley. Said Ethan." "Ethan." "You two know each other. Said Kol." "We went to school together." . "How you been Ethan." "I been good you. Said Ethan." "Alright wanna go down square again see what they have." "Yeah sure. Said Ethan." "Uncle Kol Aunt Davina I'm gonna kidnap him from you guys for a little bit." "Alright be careful. Said Davina."

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