Chapter 49

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Hayley's POV

I was sitting down when someone sat infront of me. I looked up and saw my dad. "Hayley. Said Dad." "Yeah." "Why aren't you home. Said Dad." "Why aren't you." "Because I was worried about you so when I heard the door I came looking for you. Said Dad." "Oh" I didn't say anything. "Now what are you doing out. Said Dad." "Nothing came to clear my mind." "Why are you even still up. Said Dad." "I'm use to being up at this time remember I work in a hospital dad." He nodded he came and sat next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder. "I thought you were going back to sleep." "I was worried about you. Said Dad." I nodded. "We should head back now princess. Said Dad." "Go ahead I'm gonna head to the hospital." "You don't have work. Said Dad." "I'm gonna tell Ethan something." "Alright be careful. Said Dad." I gave him a hug and left.  I went to the hospital. I walked in and saw Ethan. "Hayley what happen you ok. Said Ethan." "I'm fine don't worry." "Then why are you here in the middle of the night. Said Ethan." "Nightmare and i came to see you. You don't have any patient's right now so you." "No I let's go somewhere private Leah let me know how my patients are doing. Said Ethan." She nodded and we left.

James POV

When I got home I went to bed. I knew she was safe at the hospital now. I woke up this morning and went downstairs with the others. I walked into the kitchen where their all sitting down at the table. I grabbed some coffee. "Where's Hayley." They all looked at me. "What do you mean where's Hayley you stayed with her. Said Lily." "I came home and she went to the hospital I thought she came back home." "You lost our daughter James. Said Jen." Before anyone said anything the front door opened and closed. Then Hayley walked into the kitchen. "Where we're you Hayley. Said Jen." "With Ethan at the hospital why. Said Hayley." "Just asking luv. Said Jen." She got some coffee and went to the living room. Harry and I walked over to her. We sat next to her. "What. Said Hayley." "Nothing can't sit with my sister. Said Harry." "Your weird. Said Hayley." "Don't start its to early." "So where did you go. Said Harry." "Like I said I was with Ethan at the hospital. Said Hayley."  "And your just getting home. Said Harry." She shook her head yes. "What time did you leave. Said Harry." "Around 3 why do you want to know. Said Hayley." "Your my baby sister so I need to know where your at what your doing and when. Said Harry." "I'm older yknow. Said Hayley." "Shh it sounds better when I say it. Said Harry." She laughed at him. "Your stupid. Said Hayley." She just laughed more at him. "What are you doing today Hayley. Said Harry." "Nothing don't work today so yeah nothing why. Said Hayley." "Because I want you to sing the song again. Said Harry." "Again. Said Hayley." "But infront of everyone so they could hear it including your friends and aunt and uncles. Said Harry." She looked at him. "Please. Said Harry." "Fine I'll do it when. Said Hayley." "Today their all on their way already. Said Harry." She just stared at him. "What if I said no. Said Hayley." "But you didn't so my plan worked. Said Harry." She laid on my lap. "Dad he's crazy. Said Hayley." "Who's crazy princess." "Harry he's crazy. Said Hayley." I laughed at her then the doorbell went off. "I'll get it. Said Harry." He got up and answered it. "Tired." "Little bit. Said Hayley." Then Harry walked in the living room with the others.

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