Chapter 14

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James POV

I woke up and saw Hayley asleep next to me. Must've fell asleep when we we're talking last night. I just played with her hair.

Hayley POV

I woke up and saw James playing with my hair. "Did we fall asleep last night." "I think so. Said James." I laid my head on his chest. "Why are you so comfortable." "Why are you so light. Said James." "I don't know why I'm light." He chuckled a little. "Well we better get up for breakfast and for class. Said James." "I'm not going" "Well you have now c'mon and get up. Said James." I groaned. "Hayley c'mon I'm going to be with you all day so c'mon. Said James." He got out of bed and I pulled the blanket back over me. "Hayley I'm gonna call Lily if you don't get out of bed. Said James." I gave him a thumbs up. I snuggled up in the blanket and covered my face with the blanket. I heard my door open. "Hayley out of bed now. Said Lily." "No." I held on tight to the blanket. "Hayley now. Said Lily." "No leave me alone." "Hayley just get up. Said Sirius." "No if I have to be in here I'm not getting back on schedule." "Yes you are now get up. Said Marlene." "No leave." "Hayley. Said James." "Hayley died leave a message at the beep." I made a beep sound. "Really Hayley get up. Said Lily." "What all this yelling for. Said Mary." I heard more footsteps. "Are you guys trying to wake her up. Said Mary." "Yeah we are. Said James." "Hayley get up. Said Mary." "No leave me alone." "Mary what's going on. Said Nora." "We are trying to get Hayley up. Said Mary." "Elizabeth get up right now. Said Nora." "No." "No you tell me no Elizabeth. Said Nora." I knew I was in deep so I quickly got up. "I didn't say anything Nora." "Get up and get dressed now and meet us at the table. Said Nora." "You sound like my mum are you sure your not a long lost sister." She threw a pillow at me which made me laugh. "See you act like her to." "You got 10 minutes Elizabeth. Said Nora." "You sure you aren't adopted." "Elizabeth now. Said Nora." "Fine." I got up and got dressed in my closet. "Why are you getting dressed in your closet. Said Lily." "She always does. Said Mary." I walked out with some sweatpants and my quidditch hoodie. "The same thing really. Said Mary." "You said get dressed didn't say I couldn't wear the same thing." I started to walk away. "Aren't you gonna do your hair. Said Lily." I walked infront of a mirror ran my hand through it. "Done." They shook their heads. "Lets just go eat. Said Mary." "Yay food." We walked in the great hall and we sat down. Harry walked over to me. "Nope come near me I will snap your arm in half." I continued to eat my food. "Yknow he was just walking towards you. Said Mary." "He's annoying." They just laughed at me.

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