Chapter 40

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Hayley's POV

I broke the contact with him. "So do you wanna play another song." "Yeah sure. Said Ethan." "Let me look for one." He nodded. "How about this one." He looked at it. "Yeah sure. Said Ethan." I say down and set the paper down to.

We finished the songs. My face went red. "I swear I didn't know I just picked a random one." I looked at him and we busted out laughing. "I swear Ethan." "Sure. Said Ethan." "Let's go find my aunt." We both got up and walked out the room. We looked around then saw her in the living room. She looked at us I didn't notice the others. "Hayley. Said Freya." "Aunt Freya I swear I didn't know." She just gave me a look. "I swear I'm telling you the truth I picked a random one and we just went along with it." "Alright then Ethan how you doing. Said Freya." "I'm good I'm came over to tell you Davina said if you guys were coming over for dinner. Said Ethan." "Tell her yeah we'll be their. Said Freya." "Alright then Bye. Bye Hayley and see you whenever you come back. Said Ethan." "Bye Ethan." I rolled my eyes and he left so I went and sat down next to Freya still unaware of the others. "Aunt Freya I'm not lying I didn't know." "I believe you Hayley but which box did you pick out of. Said Freya." "The one on the left by the piano." "Oh that's why you got that one it's your dad's love songs. Said Freya." I gaged. "I didn't need to know that that's disgusting." She laughed at me. "It's not funny that's just nasty why didn't you put a label on it called Dads loves songs or be warned." "Cause I didn't think I would hear you play or sing again. Said Freya." "Me either I just saw the piano and went to it. It felt like dad was in their waiting for me." "Like when you were 8 and you guys sang together. Said Freya." "Yeah it did but it felt like he was acutally in their like his spirit was here with me." "Because he is Hayley he's never gonna leave your side remember what he told you. Said Freya." "That he will never leave my side even if he's dead." "See. Said Freya." "I know I just miss him I miss singing with him and going out on our little hunts." "I know you do but why don't you sing with your mom or James. Said Freya." "Not the same. Remember when we came home all dirty from our little hunt we did." "Yeah I do your mom was mad at the both of you. Said Freya." "What'd she expect us to come home clean." "Yes it was Thanksgiving yknow. Said Freya." "Same thing." I shrugged and she laughed. I laid on the couch still not noticing the others till I laid down and saw them. I quickly sat up and screamed. "Hey it's just us. Said Dad." "I know Sirius is just ugly." They all laughed. "Really Hayley. Said Freya." "What'd you expect when I see his face all I see is a monkey." "Hayley be nice. Said Freya." "It's true tho." She shook her head and laughed.

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