Chapter 29

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Hayley's POV

"Hayley. Said Dad." I looked at up him. "Yeah." "It's ok luv. Said Dad." "But it's not ok they saw it." "It's alright. Said Dad." I got up and started to dig through my stuff. I found it and ran downstairs while they all looked at me. "I'll be back." I ran out the door and to my car and left. I saw the letter from Hardin and went to our spot. I arrived and got out I ran their and saw him waiting. "Hardin." He turned around and I ran to him and we fell into the water. We came up out of the water he was holding me. "You came. Said Hardin." "Of course I did." I kissed him. "I found the letter in my bag you sneaky bastard." He laughed a little. "So tell do you really love." "Of course I do I never felt like this before. Said Hardin." I kissed him again and smiled in the kiss. "I was showing my parent's the camera and Nik and the pack spied and us every date and everything we did." "They got it all on camera. Said Hardin." I shook my head yes. "Y'all can come out now. Said Hardin." I looked at him confused then saw the pack walk out and I jumped out of the water and ran to them. I ran to Scott and Stiles first. "I missed you guys." "Hey now we're wet. Said Scott." "Now your gonna smell like a dog. Said Stiles." Scott pushed him in and then we all jumped in. I swam next to Hardin and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Well are we back together. Said Hardin." I kissed him then looked back at him. "That answer your question." "Yes it does c'mon let's go scare Stiles. Said Hardin." "You two never learn do you." I laughed.

James POV

We went back to the house and saw them all waiting for us. "So where did she go. Said Sirius." "To meet up with some friends and a boy." "Ooh she's in trouble. Said Harry." "Harry shut up. Said Mione." "They kissed Lily. Said Jen." "Seriously Jennifer."


We all waiting for Hayley to come back home when we heard the door open. "Mom I'm back. Said Hayley." She walked into the living room she was not in her clothes. "Who's clothes are those Hayley. Said Harry." Her hair was wet. "Why is your hair wet. Said Sirius." "Me and my friends we went swimming and my friend let me borrow his clothes. Said Hayley." "His." "Who is he. Said Harry." She was running up the stairs. "Nobody Harry mind your business. Said Hayley." Me and the boys looked at each other then got up. "Leave her alone. Said Jen" We ran upstairs to her room with the girls chasing us. We ran into her room and saw her sitting down on her bed. "Hayley who's clothes are those. Said Harry." "None of your business Harry. Said Hayley." "Tell me I'm your brother. Said Harry." "So that doesn't mean anything. Said Hayley." Harry gasped then the girls pushed us out.

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