Chapter 18

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Hayley's POV

Today James is teaching me how to swim. I got some shorts and a shirt on to get in the water with. I walked over to the lake and saw him waiting. "You ready. Said James." "I guess just don't let me drown." "You haven't gotten in the water yet. Said James." "Still." He got in I took my slippers off and went near the edge. "You'll be fine Hayley. Said James." "Nope I'm not doing it." "Sit on the edge first then slowly come in. Said James." I did as he said I put my feet in it was a little cold. I slowly got in and went next to James. "Why did you pick today." "Do want other kids to see. Said James." "No." "Then that's why. Said James." I grabbed his hands and he started to swim away. "Don't let me drown James." "I won't. Said James." I gave him a are you sure look. "I promise. Said James."

Jennifer's POV

We all watched James and Hayley swim in the water together. We started to walk over to them to see how they are doing. "I did it. Said Hayley." "Yeah you did. Said James." "I did it. Said Hayley." She was all excited so was James. We all smiled at them then walked over to them. "How you guys doing." "Mom I did it. Said Hayley." "Good job see did you drown." "Almost. Said Hayley." We all looked at James and Hayley. "What do you mean almost." "Well someone here let go of me and let me sink in. Said Hayley." "But I got you. Said James." "Still let me drown. Said Hayley." "For 5 seconds. Said James." She shook her head we started to laugh. "Mom. Said Hayley." "Yeah." "Me and Nik we can finally go swimming together now. Said Hayley." "Yeah you can but are you sure you want to go." "Yeah I'm sure me and Nik we been sending owls to each other also Uncle Dan and Aunt Care they said they miss you Nik said he missed you to. Said Hayley." "Well when you write him again tell him I miss them too how's he doing in school." " he joined track he's the only one. Said Hayley." "Have they won any game." She started to laugh. "What." "Not a single one mom he's been on track for 3 years now. Said Hayley." It made her laugh more. "Leave him alone Hayley." "It's funny 3 years mom and they haven't won a game when I go I'm gonna sign up show him how it's done. Said Hayley." "You do that." "Help me out mom. Said Hayley." I walked over to her I could hear the boys laughing. I grabbed Hayley's hand when she pulled me in. I came up and saw them all laughing. "Elizabeth are serious." "No mom he's Sirius. Said Hayley." They laughed more. I gave James that's your child look which made Lily laugh more. "Lily come here. Said James." "No I know all of your tricks by now. Said Lily." Are you sure. Said James." Then Sirius picked her up and threw her in. "Sirius are freaking serious. Said Lily." We all laughed while the others jumped in. We all started to mess around in the lake Hayley stayed by James side not leaving it till right now Sirius called her over so I went to James. "That's your daughter she takes after you." "I know she does. Said James." Lily came over to us. "What you guys talking about. Said Lily." "How Hayley's like him." "You see how she didn't leave his side till right now. Said Lily." "Yeah I did it was cute." "Yeah she's warming up to me she didn't threaten to haunt me once. Said James." We laughed then she came back over to us. "Mom I'm gonna go back to my dorm now. Said Hayley." "Alright make sure you shower so you don't get sick." "I know mom. Said Hayley." "No you don't know." She walked away. "She's not gonna shower and she's gonna get sick watch." "James is like that too I have to force him to shower. Said Lily." "Well I gotta go owl me if she gets sick." "We will bye Jen. Said Lily." I walked off.

James POV

We all went to our dorms to shower Lily made me. "Lets go check up on Hayley. Said Lily." "Yeah." We went to her dorm we walked in and saw her asleep in her same clothes. "She's gonna get sick. Said Lily." I covered her in a blanket she didn't have one on then I covered her with another one. "Stay with her I don't want her getting sick. Said Lily." "Alright." She walked out and I sat in a chair watching her sleep peacefully. She kept tossing and turning she must be having a bad dream or something. Then she woke up gasping for air so I quickly went over to her. "Hey it's ok it's just a dream." She looked at me. "When did you get in here. Said Hayley." "Came to check on you." "Oh. Said Hayley." "Go back to sleep it'll be alright." She laid back down. "Can you lay with me. Said Hayley." "Yeah sure." I laid next to her and she laid her head on my chest. I waited for her to fall asleep first then I fell asleep

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